10 Temmuz 2008 Perşembe
Although the meanings of "the way to administrate" and the "type of power" of a state seem to be interdependent and the same as each other, they are as different from each other as a garden fence from a gardening style, in which one determines the other and one depends on the other. However, both can draw various compositions other than the routine dependency. Our type of state is Grandsublime. And the government is the Grandsublime-type government, one which is selected by the Committee of Sublimes. While considering this issue, revealed completely and waiting to be realized in a regime as an integral system, that is, in the Ideological Knitting of the "Great East," we have to represent our case from the reverse point of view, so that it can be distinguished practically and critically by others. Therefore, we believe it is appropriate to benefit from the possibilities provided by the general view of "internal" and "external" public law, and therefore to set up a chapter with the title Public Order.
Public Law, within a traditional classification, can be divided into Internal Public Law and External Public Law. Internal Public Law determines and arranges the relationships between the law itself and the individuals comprising it, arranging the relationships between different parts of the state. External Public Law is the law that deals with the codes which arrange the relationships between states themselves.
Although it might seem a bit off-topic, the External Public Law is also called States Law, General Law of States, International Law, Law of Nations and so on. Internal Public Law, on the other hand, is divided into different branches such as Principal Organization Law, Administrative Law, Penal Code, Procedural Law, and so on. The newest and most independent branch of the Internal Public Law is General Public Law.
Within its scope, the General Public Law covers the root of the state, its historical growth within positive and theoretical terms, its elements, ways, organs, functions and issues between individuals and itself; to give explanations in a general and collective way, in a wider framework, without restricting ourselves to a particular state. The purpose of this branch of Internal Public Law is, without restricting ourselves to Positive Law and by keeping away from all sorts of rules, only to attempt to determine and describe what the state is consisted of and to reveal the principles adopted by any state as a whole.
We now consider the Principal Organizational Law, which composes another branch of the Internal Public Law. According to the ideas asserted in the field of doctrine, the Principal Organization Law demonstrates to us a particular state's principles and institutions which are connected to its main organization. The Principal Organizational Law, studying all the codes comprising and ordering main political and social institutions, is a branch of law that attempts to explain the structure of a particular state. The Principal Organizational Law, which studies the principles related to the institution of a particular state, determines the organizations and authorities of public power and engages in public forces and their relationships. This branch of law brings about the shape of the state and determines its structure and specifies the relationships between the forces in that state, and defines the rights of individuals in the state. Through which organ the legislation, execution and judicial forces are represented is again defined by this branch of law.
Natural Law; with respect to this point of view, law is changeable and proportional and by its very nature is not national. This law is "absolute" and continuous and applied to everyone equally and it should be called "ideal" law; for Positive Law must reach, at least approach, this concept. In other words, this is called "justice." This concept includes a law that should be applied to every individual, in every society and country at every time and it is based on the idea that "the universal order is a product of the human mind and nature, and it has existed before any sort of personal intervention." This view, which was constructed within a belief that it is necessary to explain the universe as a whole and which takes existing truths in human nature into account, is perceived as too personality-oriented and spiritual in a period when Marxism was too widespread and popular in explaining the universe as a whole. It is refused by the "realist view," reacting against classical views on the grounds that Natural Law cannot exist and that law would be changed in accordance with time and place.
It should be known that not all theocratic consideration is Islamist, and not all spiritual consideration is theocratic. Therefore, although the theories on universe, on universe-human or human-human relationships express individual truths and are based on evidence, in the end they will prove to be powerless before the "Requirement of Absolute Idea" and the "weakness of focusless induction." The reason why we state this is to indicate that "universal order" expresses a self-evident truth and a need and also the consideration of "Natural Law" has nothing to do with the view of the world we have. The reason why we mention the "realist view," which refuses Natural Law, is to draw attention to the false synthesis which is formed today between Natural Law and this view which supports the idea that "the weak should yield to the stronger" and which also believes the birth of a state is realized only through force and struggle. The synthesis under consideration is never a philosophical view, a social or political theory, philosophy of law or a theory related to any field of law. It is only the mindset that the United Nations organization perpetuates as a so-called legal institution that is directly and currently legitimate in practice.
The mindset perpetuated by the United Nations organization is the main issue of this chapter, titled "Public Order." Before we consider it, let us briefly mention the rise and significance of the state from the "realist viewpoint": "It is an unchanging law of nature that some human beings suppress others, the strong ones oppress the weak. State institutions can be explained by this law of nature, which cannot be changed by human will. From the theory of 'force and struggle' in the 'realist view' on the rise of state, one can derive another fact. Indeed, state, by its very nature, enables the pressure of the strong on the weak and the exploitation of the weak and it is an organization which maintains the authority of the winners over the defeated. Thanks to this organization, the strong ones manage to protect their position and the winners maintain their privileges. It goes even further that law as an expression of this power and coercion is merely a set of codes that is built in order to maintain this 'pressure' and 'exploitation' and to prevent the possible resistance against it."
Beside the realist view, let us remember another finding which, on one hand, supports it, yet, on the other, announces a thorough failure in the name of law: "Today, the gap between fact and law, text and spirit, regulation and practice is widening more and more. Most of the constitutions which exist in the world are nothing but deceptive appearances: the regimes described in them have nothing to do with what is actually going on in the particular country. The constitution seems to function as a screen which hides the existing regime in power!"
We have already mentioned the declaration made by the United States President Wilson during the First World War. The article in the declaration, which states; "Nations have the right to determine their own fate," took the notion of democracy further than being an internal regime and announced it to the entire world as the basis of international relations. In fact, after the Versailles Peace Treaty, great powers made some amendments in their government types on the basis of democracy; the newly constructed states adopted this regime as the basis for their political structure, and thus, influences of democratic principles began to be seen in the relationships between states.
The reason behind the general impact of democracy after the First World War is indeed the vacuum caused by structures which lost their social and political function after the removal of the monarchies; and, to tell the truth, democracy, as well, was not an appropriate proposal with which to fill this gap. Within the division we create between internal and external public order, the emphasis was on the state and on an external public order as a means to harmonize the relationships between states. Nevertheless, today the emphasis seems to be on a type or external public order as "the public order per se." Now, instead of an external public order between states, in comparison to the state, the idea is the world society order, in which there are states. Aside from the pleasant sounding, but unsubstantiated, parts of the issue like "peace" or "brotherhood," there is one important aspect of it that should not escape attention: that this is a product of a Western society structure formulated as "Greek Reason, Roman order and Christian morality." The reason why we draw attention to this point is not that we refuse a culture different than our own, but that the United Nations organization, which is the concrete expression of all above and which represents oligarchy within a direct contention of monarchy, is in fact a means of exploitation of the countries which fall outside of this structure.
Let us pause here for a minute and focus on the first article among the purposes of the United Nations organization:
"To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace;" While considering the "Mandate regime," we mentioned the following paragraph on the "League of Nations," which was established after the First World War, and was predecessor to the United Nations organization, which was founded on 24 October 1945:
"Some states, through an agreement, are placed under the protection of another, more powerful country. Of course, this protection makes both parties endowed with liabilities as well as rights, which, however, never means a legal equality between them. The protective state always has a superior position in international relations. This way is no more than an effort to legitimize its imperialist and colonialist politics. The practices of these states demonstrate to us that these states always consider themselves as having a higher level of civilization and that they protect an inferior state with a lower level of civilization than their own and they always use them as a means to a specific end of their own." Since the day it was founded, the United Nations organization has done nothing but declared that it was regretfully sorry when there was injustice or disagreement which served for the interest of the powerful states. What else should it do? In this organization, which became an oligarchy and the stage for a monarchical power struggle, it is impossible to do something more than simply frown at the injustices. In order to understand the roles of the small, low profile cast of countries within the fight of powerful states in the world scene, it is enough to look at the structure of the UN Security Council and consider the way in which it makes decisions:
"The Council is comprised of 15 members and five of them are permanent members. The permanent members are the United States of America, The United Kingdom: Great Britain and Northern Ireland, People's Republic of China, France and Russia. All the rest of the countries are selected as members for only two years' time." What is the privilege of a permanent member, really? Except the procedural issues, all of the decisions are taken by the positive votes of the nine members, along with the permanent ones. Thus, if a prospective decision is to the disadvantage of one of these member states, the state can enjoy its right to veto the proposal and prevent it. As the states are called after their type of regimes, one could thus call the United Nations Organization as the "Dictatorship of Pigs."
Although in this obscure setting of paradoxical and somehow overlapping clauses, one can talk about the "the new face of imperialism", a world-surrounding "public order" as a monarchic contention, based on an oligarchy between the states. No one can say that there is an "International Law;" the "public order" under consideration is an expression of a de facto, not de jure, situation. The United Nations is not an organization which has been constructed under the light of universal principles of law or one which helps maintain these principles, but it is an organization which tries to screen this de facto situation abusing those principles. When the principles of democracy and universal principles of law are regarded as of equal value, one can easily solve the puzzling question of why some power centers play the role of democracy's apostles!
We have already mentioned that Western culture and civilisation were formulated as "Greek Reason, Roman order and Christian morality." In addition to this, the point underlined by a Western thinker in the Ideological Knitting of Great East is as follows:
"The West is wherever Western thinking and lifestyle have reached!" Directly or through the United Nations, the action by the power centers against some countries as intervener in the name of the universal principles of law, and the overlapping "principles of democracy," which is also the proposal of a social and political order which overlaps with the above; in their attempt to Westernize all others as the "true representatives" of the West, it is no different than creating a ghetto around a big city. Note that; part of this "junk yard" of nations, just like the masses torn from their villages and accumulated into the ghetto, broken from its own culture and left rootless as fertilizer for the land of Western culture, is seen in this distinguished mansion of the world appropriate for the role of, or candidate of, the driver, gardener, cook, watch guard or dishwasher. Some of them, though, are very eager to play their roles and simply become the victims of an arbitrary "no!" The system they called the "New World Order" is in fact a caste system which defines classes in this case between nations not by the use of cruel walls but by the use of insurmountable chalk lines! This defining of classes is just like the caste system in India, in which it is impossible to transcend from one level of class to another. Taking this Indian social example of insurmountable castes, we demonstrate why the West imposes its way of living and thinking on others, and what all these places actually meant for the West in the Western "integration."
International Law is an issue that should be considered as a separate topic. One side of the issue is related, under the light of philosophical views, to the general and particular aspects of law; the other side is connected with the statement and interpretation of customary practices in international relations and protocols. Although, theoretically, it is possible to say that there is an international law dealing with such and such issues, it is impossible to say that the way they deal with things has anything to do with a mature branch of science describing general and valid judgments with specific methods and formation. And, practically, we see neither a legislative act describing general and valid laws, nor an executive act relevant to it. As for the United Nations, this organization is not a legislative organ brought about by a constitution covering public order, nor does it bring about a constitution itself. Moreover, it has neither executive power nor coercive power, which is subjected to that executive power, to implement the sanctions they plan. Everything we say about the United Nations overtly demonstrates that there is no international law. As for the situation and structure of the Security Council, in comparison with the General Assembly of the organization, the organ is seen to have a government-like position, formed by elements of self-interest, and as an oligarchic structure. The effective forces embodying the United Nations have already showed that they have no legal "subject-person" identity with specific rights and liabilities, but that they have prerogatives to veto when they dislike a situation, and they can employ their power to show an understanding of "the stronger you are, the more rights you'll have." The forceful applications, on the other hand, carried out on behalf of the United Nations, are based not on the coercive power or an intention with an idealist decision-realization, but rather on the power and interest particular to the strong and bullying ones who decide arbitrarily and always to achieve and ensure their own advantage. As a result, the United Nations organization was embodied on the absence of International law and the decisions it has taken and its applications are not at all qualified to be considered within the rules of equity (law).
We have mentioned above that universal principles of law and principles of democracy seem to implicitly have similar or even equivalent meaning today. In addition to this, we have said that the United Nations is merely a means for the end of "world public order," inspired by the above principles, and that the United Nations does not have a consistent structure either democratically or legally. In this ground of "world public order," which the situations "in practice" are more valid than the ones "based on law", especially after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, which for a time had a run at being world-leader, the United States of America now seems to be fully advantageous with their so called "New World Order." All of this acts as a panorama in which the quality of "monarchy" we labeled "world public order," is ever more obvious!
Let us now shortly mention the topic of the "universal principles of law." The rights and freedoms covered by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations may give us an idea about the "universal principles of law" of which they are the reflection. The document, which actually includes moral liabilities rather than legal ones, is a political advice under the disguise of "morality." It serves the "world public order" having the quality of a situation "in practice" as we mentioned before, which can be felt in earnest. At first glance, one might have the impression that we are describing a desert temperature in a polar region, but we will explain this idea. Before we are impressed by the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" adopted and proclaimed by the United Nations, we look at the issue of protection of human rights in the United Nations Charter, and only then we will see by which centers it was imposed in the course of history!
The date when the International Law started to take up an interest in human rights comes around the second half of the 20th century. Until then, communities under the administration of a state had to earn and defend their own rights and liberties, with their own efforts, and struggled without the aid of an international association. When any particular rights of the individual are violated in any country, the world of states was inactive, if not indifferent (many examples for it can be seen in the history of Islam.) For it was widely believed that, as a principle, the International law addresses the relationships between the states, and thus had no right to involve itself with a relationship between a state and its subjects. Such a sharp division between the International law and internal law, and the exclusion of individual from the scope of international law, was a result of the doctrine that claimed exact ruling of the state, which was acclaimed unanimously. Since the beginning of the 20th century, there have been radical changes in the international law; then had started to be directed towards humans and individuals. It was eventually believed and understood that international law cannot continue to be disinterested in the fate of communities; that the protection of individual freedom and human rights cannot be just left to national rules and regulations, and that the international law has now to compensate for this belated understanding. Abandoning the idea of "ruling of the state only" has changed the position of the individual before international law. The issue of protecting human rights was taken up especially after the Second World War with the founding of the United Nations. At a point where contrasting intentions, i.e. where political interests and idealist thoughts overlap, some made statements like; "The Second World War was actually an independence war and was fought in order to protect people against dominance and fear." However, this is nothing but romantic idealism. In an environment where the issues concerning human and society require "a new understanding" in terms of the necessity of internal and external public order, it is extremely controversial that the political reflection and political positioning of the understandings which were to meet the needs and to settle the issues. We shall later give an account of the evaluation of the Great East concerning the Second World War. "The Second World War was actually an independence war and was fought in order to protect people against dominance and fear." Roosevelt, President of the United States of America and Churchill, British Prime Minister, made a point about this in the Atlantic Charter, issued on 14 August 1941, and in the declaration published by the United Nations on 01 January 1942 it was explicitly stated:
"The Governments signatory hereto, (�) Being convinced that complete victory over their enemies is essential to defend life, liberty, independence and religious freedom, and to preserve human rights and justice in their own lands as well as in other lands�" Some people even thought that the raison d'etre of the United Nations was to accomplish those goals. The San Francisco Conference valued human rights more, and as a result, although the Covenant of the League of Nations had not included an article directly related to the human rights, the United Nations Charter covered topics on human rights and fundamental freedoms in seven different places. A foreign professor made a point about this:
"Respect for fundamental human rights depends so much on maintaining international public order that the United Nations Charter placed this principle at the top of its preamble and proclaimed to the world and confirmed that it made it the major axiom. In case this principle is violated, it will be a direct threat on the common peace." However, it is pointed out that the phrases used in the articles of the UN Charter relevant to human rights are so obscure that one could be suspicious of its quality. Indeed, the charter is about "promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms," "ensuring to all of them the rights and benefits," "assisting in the realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all," and "promoting universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all." Thus, the use of verbs like promoting, encouraging, and assisting, led some experts of law to regard such clauses in the agreement as guiding principles. Apart from the ones who disagree that the clauses relevant to human rights are merely moral liability and their comments on "some clauses in the charter," the conclusion they reached is important in demonstrating the legal and logical disguise of the force which has considerable weight in world politics:
"Member states must, by law, respect human rights and fundamental freedoms all around the world. Here it is really legal liability, not moral principle as claimed. Adopting this view means it is admitted that issues related to human rights and fundamental freedoms are not included among the responsibilities of national authorities!"
The United Nations organization, through its Commission on Human Rights, prepared the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted and proclaimed by the General Assembly to the world on 10 December 1948. The content of this declaration consists of a preamble and four categories on rights and freedoms:
"The first category includes the classical individual rights and freedoms which became traditional following the French Revolution in 1789. The second category covers family rights, the third political rights and public freedoms and the fourth category covers economic and social rights." What has caused discussion was not the content of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights but its legal status. The text under consideration is not a contract or an agreement but a declaration, and was accepted and announced by the United Nations General Assembly, but was not signed and verified by the member states as per the constitutional procedures. At this point, does it have any value that binds member states and makes them liable by law, or is it merely some pieces of advice not necessarily to be obeyed (by law), or a document covering some moral liabilities? As for the answer to these questions, even the persons who took part in the preparation of the document are not in agreement. In fact, Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, President of the Commission on Human Rights, asserted that the declaration had only spiritual value, whereas René Cassin, another member of the same commission, claimed that the declaration is a detailed and improved part of the United Nations Charter including human rights in positive international law. If this view is accepted, now that the clauses in the United Nations Charter are in fact liabilities by law, then the declaration which is a detailed and improved part of it should be legally compelling and binding for member states. Apart from the debates on its legal status, a sample practice relevant to the Declaration in the United States of America almost verifies our cultural and political considerations on the "New World Order":
"In the United States of America, the Court of Appeals in California decided in a case called "Sei Fuji" that a law dated 1913, which deprived Japans possession of land, is against the clauses in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and avoided applying the law, and thus demonstrated the fact that the Declaration is superior to the national law." This decision is apparently against the interests of the United States of America and really seems to exalt the honor of law, but we will write in a more detailed fashion on the reason why we found the decision as a documentary for our "cultural" and "political" considerations. Both the case law mentioned above and the comments, asserting that the articles on human rights and freedoms of the United Nations Charter are "liabilities to be obeyed by law," should be understood within this framework (some points briefly mentioned before will be repeated).
"Respect for fundamental human rights depends so much on maintaining international public order that the United Nations Charter placed this principle at the top of its preamble and proclaimed to the world and confirmed that it made it the major axiom. In case this principle is violated, it will be a direct threat on the common peace." Right beside this comment, here is another view:
"The statement used in the article of the UN Charter relevant to the human rights is so obscure that one can get suspicious about its quality!" Indeed, the charter is about "promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms," "ensuring to all of them the rights and benefits," "assisting in the realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all," and "promoting universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all." Thus, the use of verbs like promoting, encouraging, and assisting, led some experts of law to regard such clauses in the agreement as guiding principles. Besides this one, here is another, but opposite, one:
"Although we admit that the expressions used here are ambiguous, we do believe that the articles related to human rights in the Charter are not merely moral liabilities. In order to demonstrate that they are rules by law, and binding to member states, we can explain through reading articles 55 and 56 of the Charter." Article 55, item C contains the following idea:
"(�) the United Nations shall promote: universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion." Article 56 states that:
"All Members pledge themselves to take joint and separate action in co-operation with the Organization for the achievement of the purposes set forth in Article 55." Let us analyze these two articles together, instead of separating them:
"Article 55, different from others, makes the United Nations bear the responsibility of promoting actual respect for human rights, making use of the verb promote. Also, with Article 56, the members pledge [themselves] to take joint and separate action in co-operation with the United Nations to accomplish the goals in the Article 55. The article 56 contains three liabilities: on individual act, collective act and on collaboratively with the UN." The first item of Article 55, "(�) the United Nations shall promote":
"a) higher standards of living, full employment, and conditions of economic and social progress and development;" the second item;
"b) solutions of international economic, social, health, and related problems; and international cultural and educational cooperation; and" and the third item;
"c) universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion." The objectives stated in the first and second clauses are impossible to be realized individually by the states. On the contrary, they have to act collaboratively and cooperatively with the organization. However, the third one is an objective which can be attained individually by states. A foreign professor agreeing with this comment on the third clause states that:
"Then, while Article 56 points out that states can act on their own or collectively in cooperation with the organization, it must have meant that the states pledge themselves to act in compliance with and according to the instructions by the organization; and in order to attain the goals in the Article 55, the states pledge themselves to act individually if they can attain it on their own, or cooperatively if it needs collaboration."
However there are some authors who oppositely claim that Article 56 does not bind any state. For example:
"The liability born by Article 56 is relevant and limited to the cooperation with the United Nations; the way and the content of this cooperation will be determined by the government of each member state."
The evidence given by the ones who refuse such a comment on Article 56:
"If the way and the content of this cooperation are determined by the government of each member state, then there will be such a reasoning: The states, as the members of the United Nations, will be liable to work cooperatively to provide respect for the human rights; but when considered individually, they will be free to violate the same rights in their own countries. The states will be held responsible, as per Article 56, for facilitating the respect for the human rights but they will not at all take it into account when they act individually. Thus, a state, without being regarded as a violator of the clauses of the Charter, will be seen as a fervent defender and supporter of fundamental freedoms, yet at the same time will be able to destroy all these freedoms in its own country and to apply violence and pressure on its people. Let us quickly state that, the member states, while they act as members, are to facilitate by law the respect for fundamental freedoms, then the state by law, is liable to do the same in its own country. For it is impossible to imagine a state which maintains human rights in other countries but violates them in its own country. In other words, these are all liabilities by law, not just moral principles." To adopt this view compels one to admit that the issues related to human rights and fundamental freedoms are not included in the national scope of authority of states. The reflection of this acceptance on the world scene is that a prerogative group in the UN, for the interest of their own, can intervene into the affairs of weaker states with this as their defense. In other words, they can take the advantage of their (superior) position.
In the universal world order, especially after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the most serious rival of the United States of America is the "United Europe", which is (at least most of its population) their ancestors, with shared spiritual and ideological qualities. In addition to the fact that they have a peculiar social structure, the progenitor Europe and the progeny United States of America represent separate influential and competitive bases despite their identical bases in terms of culture. Although today Europe does not seem to be very orderly because of different countries and conditions of competition, what is expected to be realized step by step is the ideal: a political union. One of the most important steps of this is the establishment of the European Economic Community and Customs Union appearing as the predecessor of the European Union. In December 1994, when Turkey was not accepted into the European Customs Union, the reason for justifying their rejection which was given was human rights violations, about which Turkey faced some difficulties. This was because, in a general sense, they build their logic on the world public order and force others to play by their rules, in a specific sense, the concrete application of the same principles in the European Convention on Human Rights. Thus, the explanation of Article 56 of the United Nations Agreement in accordance with this view:
"The issues relevant to human rights and fundamental freedoms are not included into the national scope of authority of a state. (Other states have the ability to intervene.)" In a state, particularly in which there are different communities, one cannot object to this point with the principle of a state's right to rule. The significance of the European Convention on Human Rights appearing directly beside it should be shown according to International Law in terms of international situation of real persons in a general sense and also according to its quality in terms of European public order.
The European Convention on Human Rights was prepared by the European Council. The Agreement issued by the Council as to who regards the principle of respect to human rights as a prioritized goal was signed on 4 November 1950 by the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the member states. The validity of the Agreement depended on the confirmation of the 10 member states which later would be submitted to the General Secretariat of the European Council. All these conditions were met on 3 September 1953 and the agreement then became valid. The Turkish Grand National Assembly signed the agreement on 10 March 1954. The rights and freedoms stated in the European Convention on Human Rights are not different from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Declaration, yet the Convention was arranged and decided to protect not all the rights and freedoms mentioned in the Declaration, but the selected ones which could be immediately adopted and applied by all of the member states, which were stated in the Convention. The rights and freedoms that would be debatable were excluded from the Convention and the ones that are regarded as "common inheritance" remained as human rights and freedoms. The major difference between the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights is in their legal status and their power as legal codes. In fact, the former was just a declaration and therefore its positive value was often controversial. The latter is a Convention and there is no question about whether it binds the member states that signed and confirmed it. The first article of the Convention explicitly states it: "The High Contracting Parties shall secure to everyone within their jurisdiction the rights and freedoms defined in Section I of this Convention." The more concrete part of the European Convention on Human Rights, more concrete than the Declaration, are the two organs defined in Article 19. Article 19 and the other articles state; (Article 19:) "To ensure the observance of the engagements undertaken by the High Contracting Parties in the present Convention, there shall be set up: 1. A European Commission of Human Rights hereinafter referred to as 'the Commission'; 2. A European Court of Human Rights, hereinafter referred to as 'the Court'." (Article 20:) "The Commission shall consist of a number of members equal to that of the High Contracting Parties. No two members of the Commission may be nationals of the same state." (Article 23:) "The members of the Commission shall sit on the Commission in their individual capacity.", that is, the members of the Commission take part in the Commission as 'private persons', not as 'representatives of certain states.' (Article 24:) "Any High Contracting Party may refer to the Commission, through the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe, any alleged breach of the provisions of the Convention by another High Contracting Party." One can apply to the commission in case of violating the rights and freedoms in the Convention. (Article 25:) "The Commission may receive petitions addressed to the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe from any person, non-governmental organization or group of individuals claiming to be the victim of a violation, by one of the High Contracting Parties, of the rights set forth in this Convention, provided that the High Contracting Party against which the complaint has been lodged has declared that it recognizes the competence of the Commission to receive such petitions." (Article 26:) "The Commission may only deal with the matter after all domestic remedies have been exhausted, according to the generally recognized rules of international law, and within a period of six months from the date on which the final decision was made." (Article 25:) "The Commission shall only exercise the powers provided for in this article when at least six High Contracting Parties are bound by declarations made in accordance with the preceding paragraphs." As it can be seen, in order to examine a petition from any individual, non-governmental organization or group of individuals, six High Contracting Parties should recognize the authority of the Commission. Since, years ago, the number of the states accepting this exceeded six, the Commission was put into effect. It shall place itself at the disposal of the parties concerned with a view to securing a friendly settlement of the matter on the basis of respect for Human Rights as defined in this Convention. So, it is understood that the Commission is not a judicial body; it does not take decisions on an issue, but does write reports on it. However, as the name suggests, the European Human Rights Court is a judicial body and "consists of a number of judges equal to that of the Members of the Council of Europe. No two judges may be nationals of the same state." Only by member states or the Commission, a case can be brought to the Court, yet, to make the jurisdiction compulsory for a Contracting Party, this Party should have declared that they recognized the jurisdiction without any special agreement; that is, the jurisdiction of the Court is limited and restricted to the states that accept it with a declaration. There was a condition that in order for the Court to operate, such declarations should be made by at least eight states, and the Court still operates today. The Republic of Turkey also accepted and recognized the jurisdiction of the European Commission of Human Rights and the Court. Real persons considering construing and applying the Convention, can submit complaints to the Court, through the Commission, against their own states. The Court deals with the case and their judicial decision is definite. The parties pledge themselves to comply with the Court decision. Here are the opinions, which also lend evidence to our views on world public order/new world order. Of the law experts who seem pleased with the situation by nature of their profession, since it shows the formation of the "international law": "Thus, within the framework of the European Council, a very important step was taken towards the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and a significant stage was reached in reinforcing the real person's place in International Law." The person who found his place in International Law has also become the material of the political formation and cultural structure of Western thinking and living, which gives International Law its color. As a result it should be seen that both a state and its subjects are to play the game through "clamping outside and reinforcing inside."
As for our point of view on the Common Market; if you think that for a country that cannot value its human power and export workers to other countries like raw horse power is a success, the advantages of the Common Market can be thought of as a success to the same extent. In other words, it is a poison which is covered with a candy shell. The common market, which was a scheme comprising both Christianity and Jewish Genius as a mixture, is actually a kind of clamp; First, to make us sell our products at low prices and second, to devalue our currency. All this was already uncovered by the Great East Architect in 1971. Then we enable them to sell their products to us at high prices. The Common Market is a kind of clamp which applies pressure from both sides upon our country, which is structurally shocked by a transition between agricultural foundation and industrial foundation. The Market eventually deprives us of both and makes us submit to their will; not to mention the spiritual and political objectives behind this clamp. The Westerner, who played with us like guards playing with free-walking prisoners, now puts us behind the iron bars by our free will. Before we closely examine the European Union, to which some are asking accession in our name, with its own religious, cultural, economic and political aspects, let us learn our lesson from the words which became the axiom of French colonialism and which were uttered by de Gaulle, the French General and President: "People in a country where the French culture has been made the dominant one are French!"
The European Community is a political description, and European Economic Community is a transitional step toward the European Community. The central (focus) personality representing the spirit of the European Community ideal, if you put it another way, is De Gaulle. When we look at his biography, his ideas, his ideals and his spiritual world, we see that there are so many lessons to learn from him: "Before the First World War, he wrote a book in which he proposed his famous thesis: that the determining factor in the future will be armored and motorized squads, which will be the main forces of wars. His work was mocked in France, where literature was evaluated with a traditional mind. But his book was literally appreciated in Germany; in addition, it was used against France. When France was destroyed, De Gaulle was the unique one whose willpower remained standing. He founded and managed the "Free France" front and organization in England. Eventually he became the president of France, his main objective being to improve his country spiritually and economically. He exalted and helped further the ancient European civilization called "Greco-Roman," which had been fostered in France. He was against the United States of America, the colossal supporter of the same civilization, who claimed to be anti-materialistic in idea but in practice materialist in their living. He was also against Soviet Union who were materialistic in idea but in fact "mystical" in their living. In order for Europe to be completely saved, according to De Gaulle, he believed that they should send a double army of crusaders to those seemingly opposite, but in fact equal, "soul-murderers." The French industry improved and the French currency became more valuable, yet De Gaulle attached the greatest importance to spiritual dominance. He did not hesitate to place France, the center of secularism, under the spiritual and moral hegemony of the Catholic Church. Yet, when he was in the position to be the savior of the French, he applied for the French public's vote to become more violent and authoritarian; but was denied by the French public who would not allow a mortal to be endowed with immortal privileges (Consider .��'s life! -Editor's Note: The name mentioned in the original Turkish version has been the subject of a case before the Court according to the Turkish Penal Code; therefore, it has not been named here.-) He withdrew into solitude in his manor and passed away in a noble fashion as a faithful Catholic, away from official ceremonies, in a circle comprising his friends and members of the army, relatives and church members. Remember (�) the dictator who was a spy for the English!
One of the main references of Western culture and civilization is Christianity, which is its moral basis. Once upon a time, hundreds of church officials came together with secularists in Lourdes in France and raised the following issue: "Should the Church get involved in politics for the sake of Bible?" This debate was covered by the mainstream media in France and became sensational news in the headlines. Here are some opinions about it: "Can there be a church surrounding a number of classes struggling with one another? What would be the attitude of the Church towards the working class; while it was baptizing the bourgeois, that is, the capitalist class, who regard the working class with their sole aim of destroying them? What would be the attitude of the church before the cause of justice of Marxism and does being objective in such a case mean admitting the failure of Christianity? If, as "justice" ordered in the Bible, the Church takes place in this struggle for "justice," would it be a politicized Church? In fact, one remembers what the Pope Paul XI says; "In this century, compassion, goodness and justice is nothing but political affairs!" The answer from the Church to these questions and issue came as follows: "Against every cause coming from doctrine, the Church should resist through its own doctrine bravely and honorably and it should be unstoppable! It should not be forgotten that a workers' Church can be more Christian than yesterday's bourgeois church. 'Clericalism-the principles and power of the Church' is strong enough to tolerate and answer to each and every accusation and point directed from both the right and left wings." And Cardinal Danielou's thesis in the cradle of laicism, a requirement of Christianity by its nature: "The close relationship and intimate correlation between faith and politics are as old as history itself. Christianity has both tasted the victory of and suffered from this unbreakable, inseparable relationship. Love, as the principal rule of Christianity, is the rarest shelter for those who suffered from hunger, thirst, cruelty and injustice. Jesus Christ from Nazareth came up with a method of continuous and endless revolution in order to cut the tumor of injustice between social classes which is the biggest problem today; and this method consisting of love and compassion was very well understood by the first Christians at that time. Let us wish that this method, which the Roman Empire aimed to destroy by fair means or foul, but which resulted in their own death, would hopefully be successful in being the superior authority of politics and society." On the one hand, Islam, which aspires to a world order, so as to solve individual and social issues, is excluded from peoples' life through aphorisms which state "religion and state affairs are separate issues." In other words "laicism" is the axiom of the Kemalist regime or the success of Western imperialism, yet the Great East-Ibda's understanding, which organizes the purest Islam in order to settle individual and social problems, is seen as a pain in the neck to them. On the other hand, Christianity, which is today a spoiled version and which does not aspire to a world order, is being politicized, so that it could spread at all levels of life. The issue of religion, which is one of the dominant elements of the European Economic Community, consists actually of the moral basis of political "assimilation" ignored by our men, who are impious themselves, and who are solely interested in economic aspects.
Determining the common policy to be followed by six European countries in order to reach the "customs union," in order to get rid of the obstacles at customs, which is one of the initial steps taken by European Economic Community, Common Market in 1970s, the President of the Common Market Execution Council, Ray, says in the Match; as a matter fact, the Match quotes as follows: "Europe should begin new attempts in order to re-occupy its old position as the center of scientific research. Therefore, each European country in the Common Market circle has to consolidate their sources. New inventions are no more a result of an abstract and scientific effort; they have become the concrete and actual engines of economic power. Today, scientific inventions and discoveries seem to come more from the United States of America than from Europe. For a long time, it has been thought that the human ability to invent is working better and sharper in the United States of America than in Europe. According to the information given by Ben David (the well known Jewish economist) before the Council, ten of the twenty-nine industrial inventions which are imagined and drafted in the world of science are European and nineteen of them are from the United States. Seven of these inventions, which are at the imagination and drafting stage, have been realized in Europe. However, in the United States of America, the number is three times as much. Twenty-two inventions have been realized. At this point, the United States of America is ahead of us twice, or even three times, as much. While Europe is more successful than the US in the field of abstract science, the US is more successful than Europe on a concrete level! What could be the reason behind this? The answer is to be found by the philosophers in the course of history and material-spiritual structures! It is certain that in comparison to a shallow 'American-type,' the deep 'European-type' lacks something. These are five vital and major characteristics: Imagination, courage, aptitude, sense of future and a little bit of madness. Probably, this situation arises from Europe's aging and America's youth, and can be healed with a new 'youth serum.' The current European scientist and thinker refrains from using his brain as a laboratory device. However, the American attaches importance not to reclusive individual genius but to social utility and tools. French professor Alain Touraine says; 'We are about to die just because the inconsiderate government deprives the field of scientific research of money, while making a colossal amount of investments in other fields!' The situation has not yet been transferred to the state-consciousness of Europe, therefore, it cripples the society, and makes it rigid like concrete. That is why the objective of the Common Market is supposed to follow a complete strategy, on behalf of European civilization, within economic precautions and a thorough ideological plan." As it can be seen, the Common Market is not just a case of economic solidarity and joint forces. It is after a European hegemony: one with the objective of dominance and a totalitarian mind. The aim is to be a historical, social, spiritual, and even religious center, and for nations like us, we are supposed to have no other efforts but to protect ourselves before major world issues. We should not appeal to them to be treated like a material or spiritual colony. Rather, what we need to do is to stay in our corner quietly and try to preserve our personality. The only thing we can do is to try to be able to see the other side of the coin in those major issues related to the world and avoid being the victim of the attitudes that we can not control.
There is a work titled When Jerusalem Burned, written by two Jewish historians Jacques Lebar and Gerard Israel. In order to introduce the significance of the work, here is a cliché about its name: "This absorbing and fascinating book, written by two historians, is the revival of the tragedy which brought about our civilization." In this book, after all the cruelties and invasions witnessed in Jerusalem in history, it is narrated that it was seized by Islam and had been hidden under a blanket for centuries and eventually Jews appeared as a "chosen people by God"(!)"At the end of the first century, the Jewish-Christian movement which destroyed the Roman paganism and opened the gates of Greco-Roman civilization, is the founder of today's Western world and the wind, which will heal the crisis of Western civilization around the symbol of Jerusalem, will blow one more time from there that which our civilization possesses at this time." As it can be realized, just like it is in the case of the European Economic Community, the world is taken towards a new alliance of Jews and Christians. It seeks its salvation here with a totally new dream of "world empire" in mind. It moves forward to find moral sanctions against communism on the one hand and the Islamic world as the completely opposite counterpart of communism, along with all countries with weak technology, on the other hand. The disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1989, twenty years after this insight, and the failure of Marxism in the field of politics (it had already proven to be failure as an ideology) demonstrates that, for the time being, the flag of the "New World Order" is carried by the European Union and the United States of America. Actually, Europe is the younger brother which is America's rival, and stands beside the United States, the leader, and they all gather under the roof of a common culture. And we ask: "How many pairs of eyes are there in Turkey; which is to gain accession to Common Market, the hybrid of Jews and Christians, as a refugee leaving all its rights to them; perspicacious enough to see this subtlety?" Having gained accession or planning to access: To tell the truth, during the governments representing the state or a particular regime, with it false intellectuals who can think only of the trivial, most approve by one route, others disapprove by another route. The Republic of Turkey is not at all, not even superficially, informed of any of those mentioned above. Therefore, we would like to point out the general understanding of this point as of 1994: "A class of people for whom LIFE means coarse pleasure and possession of material and technical skills, who dreams of living more comfortable by having more freedom of prostitution when in the EEC, Westernization, in different tones as one inside another, idealized by the official ideology; ignorant of the spiritual side of things; the tradespeople of economy, the treacherous capitalist group which shows the variable attitude of approval or disapproval in terms of their own interests, and the tradesman-politician or politician-tradesman for whom being a butler in the manor is better than nothing, despite the fact that the difference in development between these two worlds is much sharper than the one between the East and West of Turkey." Imagine, we have a prime minister, Tansu Ciller, who can utter words so stupidly and ignorantly that come to a meaning that one is giving away her/his own land as a gift to others, here is what she said, as if she comfortably sacrifices the sovereignty over her/his own territories, when she visited Israel in 1994: "Blessed you all, you are in the Promised Land!" These words were uttered by an economy professor ignorant of the fact that the "Promised Land" is an expression written in the Old Testament and that in the long terms political plans of Israel the land now covers also our Southeast and Eastern Turkey! What can you expect (could it be economy?) of an economy professor whose level of culture and knowledge is so shallow?
The article "The Case of the Common Market" written in 1971 by Mehmet Ismet Salihoglu, an expert in Economy and Administration and published in the light of the Great Eastern Thesis, reflects a thorough analysis with its outline and essential logic despite the fact that the data and elements changed in the course of time. Although we are not interested in the technical details of the topic and we believe that once we show the spirit and core of the events, the rest is just details, we find it appropriate to present the whole article for it has a further value in its inspiration of our spirit and central idea: During the coalition government of Ismet Inonu in 1963, Turkey constructed a three-stage partnership via the "Ankara Agreement" with the European Economic Community (EEC) including Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. The Preparation Period ended between 1964 and 1969. Turkey had actually the right to continue this Preparation Period a minimum of six more years, but as a result of the negotiations done since 1968, Turkey has undergone a period called "transitional stage" within the framework of the Common Market, and stage by stage had to carry colossal burdens starting as of 1971. The financial and additional protocols of the transitional stage negotiated in seven chapters before taking the vital steps were signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ihsan Sabri Caglayangil, in Brussels, the center of the Common Market, on Monday, 23 November 1970. This signature would be last and definite point in the course of time of the development causing us to be an insignificant satellite among the second degree states, pressurized mainly economically and also socially, politically and culturally by European countries. This signature led our national economy to become the battlefield of profits of other nations. This signature meant to turn away from our own historical consciousness, to turn our backs to our own history, culture and civilization. Also, this is a critical point almost irrevocable: in order for these agreements signed by the Turkish government representative and the Common Market representatives to be valid, they have to be confirmed by the Turkish parliament and six parliaments of the principal members of the European Economic Community (EEC). (Grand National Assembly Minutes: General questioning negotiation minutes on the Common Market). Although the dangers of the "Transitional Stage" have been underlined in a report by the State Planning Organization based on explanatory, detailed and scientific facts that are irrefutable and undeniable; and despite the efforts of experts and national organizations who, with their serious research, uncovered the clever "game" of the Common Market against Turkey and who incessantly warn against it; it was signed by the government. Yet, the only organ that can save Turkey from this ordeal is the Grand National Assembly. (It should be noted that, as of 1994, except a few people not worth excluding, nothing actually can be expected of this unqualified, corrupted, inglorious and toady members of parliament who cannot display any serious attitude-S.M.) Taking this issue to the parliament to consider it in detail, finding out the drawbacks in terms of Turkey's vitality and vital benefits and refusing them as deserved will be the greatest historic service of this parliament to this Nation. Let us look at the dangers which have not been yet refuted and which may come out as soon as Turkey takes part in the Common Market:
1- The economic development and industrialization of Turkey will cease. a) Turkey is at the stage of the second five-year development plan. It has a plan which will realize an improvement of 7%, as long as it will increase the share in the industrial sector (The second five-year development plan). Therefore, it has to settle the payment balance gradually. However, when Turkey has entered the Common Market Transitional Stage, the customs tariff (tax) on 55% of the total imported goods in 1967 will gradually decrease to zero in twelve years within the schedule determined as of today, for other goods, which are subject to customs duty at the rate of 100% today, in twenty-two years. b) In addition to that, 35% of our importation will be free (without any special permission or quotas), in other words, will be subject to liberation. Today, the actual liberation is 20-22% according to the standards of the EEC. (Ortak Pazar Gecis Donemi Meseleleri [The Common Market: Issues of Transitional Stage], Dr. Ali Sait Yuksel, Devlet Planlama Teskilati [State Planning Organization] 886-SPD 202, Ankara, April 1970) c) Also, it will have to comply with the Common Customs Tariff (CCT) which is applied to all the countries in the world except the ones who are members to the Common Market. d) Thus, Turkish industrial goods consists of three main groups of goods: aa) cotton threads that are not turned to sell by retail... bb) Various cotton woven goods... cc) Knotted or coiled carpets; machinery made carpets made of wool or animal hair (except the textile goods in Additional Protocol-Financial Protocol - No 2; Annexed Article 1) will be able to be sold duty-free to six European Common Market members. However, among Turkey's exportation of already limited industrial goods to the Common Market members, these three items are the ones with the highest percentage and highest potential. In fact, among the importation of the Common Market members, the share of Turkey is only 0,04%. And as long as our textile goods which have a great export potential are excluded, our duty-free exportation of industrial goods will hardly improve. e) Additionally, it is very highly likely that Turkish industrial goods, in terms of quality and price, cannot compete with the European Industrial products which we will import from the Common Market after gradually decreasing the taxes. It is certain that the export and import deficit will reach to high amounts after the removal of quotas. The administrative position holders who ignore these facts will have to witness a tragic balance of payments over a short time. f) Alternatives to the issue above are aa) the state takes loan to death from other states on behalf of private entrepreneur or bb) it would be unable to comply with the agreements it made. 2- Currently, no industrial field other than the textile industry has the ability or confidence to compete with European industry. Even if our Customs was "gradually" opened to the competitive Common Market, without any customs tariff or quotas, in twelve or twenty-two years, below are the disasters which will happen to our industry that is founded or planned to be founded: a) First of all our major industry, Karabuk and Eregli Iron-Steel Factories; the Aluminum Complex founded in Konya; the Zinc-Lead Factory which is to be built in Kayseri; the Petro-Chemistry Installation in Yarimca will not be able to compete with similar Common Market products and will be seized by European companies. b) Because of the destructive and overwhelming superiority of European competition, the planned industries of National Defense and heavy industries, which have great significance, such as engines, automobiles, machinery, weapons and ammunition and other chemical industries, electronic devices, the airplane industry, since they were all included in the twelve-year list in the Additional Protocol, cannot be founded at all, or we will witness them being built by non-national European elements and will not be able to avoid being workers or janitors in such factories at home or abroad. (Common Market and Turkey, Chamber of Mechanical Engineers, Issue no: 60) c) Since we will have to apply the EEC Common Customs Tariff (CCT), the tariff-less importation of common investment products started in the three countries as below by Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD) founded by Turkey, Pakistan and Iran, will be prevented and new ones will be made impossible and this organization, which will be deprived of its original aims, one with such great potential, will be destroyed. What is added as the protection (Organization of the Regional Cooperation for Development) and stated in Article 55 of the Additional Protocol is taken back in the second clause of the same article. (A.P. Article 55= With respect to the topic of Regional Cooperation for Development there will be counseling meeting in the Partnership Council (EEC-Turkey). The Partnership Council may decide on the required clauses. Those clauses may not prevent the Partnership (EEC) from running well.
1- It is definite that this organization with six members today will be a Christian United States of Europe with the others joining in the future and Turkey as the only Muslim Federated state will be treated as a minority. 2- Turkey's opportunities in the course of time to found its own group with other Islamic countries in the Middle East and Africa are weakening in advance and Turkey's chance, by founding a new economic union within a new integration, to be the "Leader State" of these groups and to be the third power in the world is getting lost. Thus, a probable integration appropriate to the interests of the Muslim countries in the Middle East and Africa is made impossible.
Those small interests provided for our workers while passing from the Preparation Stage to the Transitional Stage are no other and no more than the interests we had through the bilateral agreements. When we make demands for the Turkish workers on salary, social rights and work permits in the first degree, in short equal rights as the European workers, then they propose bilateral agreements. What kind of sincerity can be expected of so called future-partners who do not give equal rights even to our workers; how can they be expected to serve for economic and social balance?" The answer to these questions is only silence! "Then, can any supporter of the Common Market give the answer to this question: what is raison d'etre of the Common Market?"
The Transitional Period has no specific use as well for our agricultural products. a) Various advantages and tariff reduction provided for 85 % of the Turkish agricultural products being exported during the Preparation Stage was increased only by 5 % (to be 90% in total) and it is obviously not a great addition to our exportation. b) Because Common Agricultural Policy of the European Economic Community is not applied in our country as it is in the member states, we are not allowed to make use of "the European Fund of Agriculture" allocated for this policy.
E) THE DRAWBACK ARISING FROM BEING REGARDED AS A DEVELOPED COUNTRY JUST BECAUSE WE ARE A COMMON MARKET MEMBER (Taken into Account the Customs Tariff Applied to the Underdeveloped Countries): 1- Although at the latest UNCTAD meeting, ninety of the countries in the world were regarded as underdeveloped countries which need aid, Turkey was excluded since it was a member of the EEC. As a result, as stated in the note of the USA, Turkey has not been allowed to use the tariff reduction (in some cases zero tariff) applied to the industrial products exported by underdeveloped countries particularly to the United States of America and other developed countries of the world. Therefore, besides the loss of the export income and potential, we will have to apply tariff reduction to the industrial export of underdeveloped countries. 2- As long as the Turkish industries are not supported by the customs tariff reduction and export incentives, the probable future clients of ours will be the non-industrialized developing countries in the world, not the Common Market countries. That is why the direction of our exportation is not toward the developed European countries but toward underdeveloped countries of the world, especially in the Middle East.
1- During the five-year preparation period, although the loan offered by the European Investment Bank was $175 million US, for the transitional period which is five-and-a-half years, it is only $195 million US. (a- European Community- Common Market: European Communities Press and Information "Turkey" issue, no: 3 September-October 1970. b- Financial Protocol.) 2- The other $25 million credit to be offered by the European Investment Bank can be used only to pay back the last year's credit. This and other drawbacks listed above clearly demonstrate the fact that the Transitional Period, in comparison to the Preparation Period, will have no advantage worth waiting for. Moreover, these funds are not donations but project loans given through the financial protocol. In other words, it is not a type of credit whose use is left to our state's initiative or discretion. These credits can be used only for public or private enterprise investments which can be approved by the European Investment Bank.
One of the annexed provisions of the Common Market Transitional Period is: "The Treaty parties of the Common Market pledge themselves to support private capital investment within each other, to promote and lay appropriate setting." This agreement will of course operate unilaterally. The Turkish capital owners are not even able to find capital to invest in their own country. How are they are expected to make industrial investments in six developed European countries? On the other hand, with this item to be put into effect in favor of the European states, the powerful capital circles of the Common Market will be able to control the field of business and other strategically significant corners in Turkey. Thus, before Turkey gets strong enough within the Transitional Period to compete with the Common Market circles, because of this additional protocol, it will be dominated even more than before by the foreign capital.
As stated, relevant to the Transitional Stage in item 13 of Ankara Agreement, during the Transitional Period opportunity will be given to both parties (Turkey and EEC countries) to own land and estate; foreign capital will be able to invest freely; the valuable land and residence area and touristic areas as well as other business which cannot stand the competitive market will be sold to companies whose origin is Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium or Luxembourg, or other persons who do not belong to this nation, because it will not be difficult for the Europeans who are capital-rich, more experienced in industry and superior in technology to dominate and to pervade. The proponents of the Common Market cannot demonstrate convincingly in any way to compensate the drawbacks mentioned above. What they can say is; "Turkey cannot sustain improvement with a closed economy, so in order for Turkey to be industrialized it has to open its customs and be open to competition. Moreover they state, over and over again, that the Common Market is not a metal jacket that restricts us and that it is imperative that we should be in the Common Market in order to complete the Westernization process. Yet, they can find no other, more convincing and reasonable or scholarly evidence. All these claims are speculative and far from the truth; because the meaning of industrialization and westernization in its positive sense is not copying the West blindly or being, only physically, in the same organization or opening our customs and destroying our young industry before unfair competition. A few examples will be appropriate at this point: "During the years of 'Administrative Reforms' (as of the Proclamation of Tanzimat in 1839), just like today, as a result of the proponents of the idea that our industry should be opened to the foreign competition abroad, the Ottoman-English Agreement was put into effect. And our country's products of textile industry produced in handlooms were in a short while destroyed in the market against the competition of English machine-made textile products in price and quality! Two-thousand seven-hundred and fifty handlooms were sold out and the number dramatically decreased by one-hundred fifty to two-hundred. Such concessions in the commercial agreements which then spread to other products and other Europeans caused Ottoman markets to be completely invaded by the English and European products. How the Capitulations, the menace, discouraged and prevented the development of Turkey is a painful truth known by all. The Japanese who started the attempts to industrialize their country at the same time as ours, has closed their doors to the competition from outside their country for a hundred years. With its industrial products spreading all over the world, Japan realized its economic development and has become the second greatest industrialized country in the world. The Japanese developed neither through opening their industry to foreign competition nor through a blind, formalist insistence on Westernization. The development of Japan has been realized through a conscious national industrialization process and development policy and national values have not been sacrificed but have stayed intact."
In Lyon, France, at a dinner in the "Palace of Congresses," the Minister of Foreign Affairs at that time Schumann expressed remarkable ideas on the Common Market and with the ideas he stated he reinforced our current view, as the Great Eastern understanding, on the Common Market: "One of the irreversible facts of the Common Market is that the economic Europe actually means the ideal of a political Europe. In fact, the meeting in Brussels on 9 February is significant in revealing some historically subtle facts. The decisions which were made target at elevating our cause to a great dynamism and higher quality through leaving the consideration of simple safety plans only. In other words, the first and foremost issue, that is, the cause of Europe, the great moral and political problem, comes first, and the European economic agenda just follows it. And this brings forward the issue of England. This is a very sensitive issue. Although I cannot say much about it as the Foreign Affairs Minister, I can declare, as a free French citizen, that it is impossible to think or imagine Europe without England. People in 1971 cannot think under the circumstances of twenty years ago. In those twenty years, humanity witnessed a lot of things; some countries declined, some countries were born; technology dramatically sped up and planes were replaced by rockets. The policy of communism, which had so far tried to defend itself, now began to threaten humanity insidiously, if not obviously. In 1950, the European Union was a union of 'fear and worry.' Today it has gained speed and entered into a period of agreement, unification and expectation. It will not take long to see those people of the new world who abolish all the passports to enter into each other's territory in order to freely gather around the sole purpose of Western civilization." After the decline of the communism which was nothing but a different disguise for Russian nationalism, the Soviet Union was dissolved. It was to be replaced by the Commonwealth of Independent States, whose boss is Russia. To what extent it poses a threat for Europe in terms of Russia's current military power is unknown, but it is clear that the commonwealth is in real social chaos and economic collapse. Therefore, for the time being, it does not seem to be a military threat either. Today when the European Union has a powerful appearance, we exclude it from the formation of a defense union associating "fear and worry," and we do not need to comment on the statements of Maurice Schumann, who aims at a Christian European Union and thus verifies our findings.
We would like to indicate the outline of the framework of a detailed account with its inner and outer aspects around "World Public Order" and to demonstrate the bright rays of our state of affairs and the whole into which we would like to be melted!
Aside from what is International Law or what it should be as a branch of science, the legal applications we are exposed to as Muslims in the institutions representing International Law, proves that the powerful is the "right" one in the "world public order." At this point, we would like to give an example which has historical, legal, economic and political aspects: "Towards the end of the First World War, the parliaments in Ankara and Istanbul drew the territorial borders of Turkey within the National Pact (Misak-i Milli, 1920), and when they understandably included Mosul, Kirkuk and Arbil, they based this connection on historical, geographic, ethnic and cultural links. Actually, the Iraqi border, according to the old Islamic geographers and to European documents, was around Hanik and Tikrit (as in the National Pact as well); as for the Northern part, it was shown to belong to 'Upper Al Jazeera,' which is considered to extend as far as either Diyarbakir or Erzurum. If there had been a referendum held in the region, Mosul was sure to vote in favor of our country. It was more than obvious that Kurds, Arabs and Turkmens who were merged in history, that is, fought for religion and fatherland, would vote in the same direction. This is the reason why England, who fought against Turkey and who had always wanted to own Mosul and Kirkuk oil, did not show any respect for these democratic rights. The Mosul issue remained unresolved in the Lausanne Treaty and the final decision was left to the League of Nations against the will of Turkey. Because England had a powerful status in the League, the decision was made against us and Mosul remained in Iraq as mandated territories in 1926."
The leader of the United Nations organization, founded after the League of Nations, is also the leader of the so called "New World Order": the United States of America! It has showed the way it sees world events in countless examples and one of these was in the case of Morocco, where the USA had its name recorded in treaties as the "the most favoured nation." As of 1994, and in terms of the way to solve current issues, we may take a look at my conference "Palestine and Torture," dated 12 March 1988. A part of it follows.
There is a phrase in International Law "most favoured nation"; that is, deserving the best attitude. The man who wrote the textbook in my hand did his best to make the issue seem too complicated to understand by pretending to be seen more scientific, which is the weakness of our so called scholars. Anyway, I will simplify and explain it now. There are two states; state A and state B. These two states sign a treaty and according to one of the items, when one of these countries makes an agreement, which grants extra privileges, with any other one, it allows it to enjoy those extra privileges directly. We can formulate this as follows: State A and state B make an agreement with each other and one of the items carries the expression "the most favoured nation." Let us say, 'A' should be the most favoured nation; state 'B' and state 'C' made an agreement, and state 'C' gained more advantages than that state 'A' did. In that case, state 'A' enjoys all the rights state 'C' does. Now, let us follow the remainder from the book: "The root of the expression 'the most favoured nation' actually lies in European Public Law. In fact, the developed states of Europe not only dominated various countries in the various continents but also developed a method of having their names recorded as 'the most favoured nation' in many international treaties not to get behind the other colonialists while exploiting the countries and nations other than themselves." We should be careful at this point: "The United States of America and Morocco signed an agreement in 1886. This agreement contained the expression 'most favoured nation'. Relying on this note, the United States of America takes advantage of the capitulation-relevant provisions of the agreements Morocco made with other states. The disagreement between the United States of America and France is on the judicial power given to the consulates. The rights with the largest scope given by Morocco were seen in 1856 with Great Britain and in 1861 with Spain, and the United States of America makes use of these provisions just because of the privileged note of its being the 'most favoured nation'." In short, this is why I mentioned everything above. In time, those states started to withdraw the expression "the most favoured nation." Now that I gave up on it, they should be doing the same. Since the dispute between two countries is prolonged and remains unresolved, the case is transferred to the International Justice Court, and so on. Let us now look at the violent logic. Consider the thesis supported by the United States of America: "In the treaties made with countries like Morocco, the expression 'the most favoured nation' does not of course mean equal treatment and a means to sustain it. Rather it should be considered as a method while wording a text with certain references." Within this complicated expression, the meaning which was made implicit due to diplomatic politeness or diplomatic language actually is as follows: "In treaties made with Muslim countries like Morocco, the expressions like 'the most favoured nation' cannot be left behind just because others left." Do you know what this is? "You may have left a colony behind, but I don't need to do so; so what?" Do you grasp the reasoning here? Do you grasp the logic?
In 1992, after the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia, Serbians violently attacked Bosnians. The result; two-hundred fifty thousand wounded, fifty thousand dead, and thousands of women raped, and the "arms embargo" imposed on Bosnia-Herzegovina by the United Nations, which was to the disadvantage of Bosnia-Herzegovina. In 1994, Russia attacked Chechnya and carried out aerial bombardment of civilians and the calm attitude by the United Nations was again shown. Here is how they justify not moving even a single finger and which disguise they use: "The Chechen/Chechnya issue is a domestic issue of Russia!" Upon Chechnya's declaration of independence after the disintegration of the former Soviet Union and its reluctance to join the Russian Federation, the country experienced violent attack. On the other part of the world, Serbians attacked Bosnians. Then why is this principle of the International Law, which is considered within "Human Rights" and somehow brought forward to support existence of the International Law, not applied against those attacks?: "The statements given in the UN treaty clauses related to human rights are not moral principles but liabilities by law. Therefore, an assertion like 'the issues relevant to human rights and fundamental freedoms are within the national scope of authority of a state, that is, they only concern that state' can in no way be accepted!" Especially in a state where there are various communities, one should not object to it as above relying on the principle of "a state's right to sovereignty". One wonders why all those states fervently busy with the human rights violations in Turkey are so indifferent to all those going on in Bosnia and Chechnya! This topic will be later considered under the chapter "Compulsion for Democracy."
Here we have the United States of America, the boss of the "World Public Order," the "aristocratic" and "oligarchic" class of the United Nations organization and leading countries in that class: the European Economic Communities for the time being and the candidate for "future boss," the United States of Europe. We regard these forces as two rivaling siblings: America and Europe. How are these two siblings evolving as the two wings of the civilization they represent? Let us observe the strait of scientific and technological superiority which stems from their own texture, first, in terms of Europe, as the "accounting of the civilization they are in," and second, in terms of the USA, from the materialist view the US possesses. Thus we will have a few more pieces of evidence on the social, economic and political dynamics of these societies. First of all, let us look at the words of a famous Western thinker and artist from his work "Love and Europe": "The European civilization is undergoing a test, and today is crossing a dire strait. This strait is surrounded with death threats, with the end of it being either corruption or with a distinctive move of love; a bright horizon. The European civilization faces two death threats from the east and from the west. Both are 'materialist': one is in its ideas; the other is in its lifestyle. Therefore, as in the understanding of De Gaulle, it needs to prepare to crusade against both the East and the West; both materially and morally. The 'love' thesis I handle is entangled with the move of 'passion' which needs very strong will. This is what comprises the Occidental civilization: love within passion or passion within love. In order to inoculate the new European, the love and passion we yearn, we have to save it from the distressing material borders which deprive it of comfort of 'the other world.' The conflicts of this transformation, to be seen as political, social, economic and scientific issues, may go further as a Crusade and physical attacks along with cultural assaults. This is not an impossible situation and this shows how sensitive the strait we are crossing along actually is." While at this strait, let us also hear the views of the Church, from the declaration of one prominent figure of the Catholic Church (having currently valid views and having made reasonable observations on the Soviet Union before it was dissolved). In this declaration, he characterizes communism, together with other religions, as the enemy of the Holy Cross, and claims that under this hostility there lies the spirit of Western and Greco-Roman civilization and he adds: "It is the hateful enemy of the Western civilization which found its bright era after the Renaissance in spite of a number of contentions, tumult and revolt; it is fed from the same source but turn the food into venom in its own structure. The positive knowledge in it, seemingly mature, is not the end product of a conquest of nature but of something like a sledge of a butcher and it has to play its role. The words of Lenin on soul; 'the fleshless reflections of external and material incidents,' and his finding; 'there is no such thing as soul!' were inoculated to generations for fifty years as a foolish trick, like that of a magician, and today we see an enormously terrifying and skillful bear hurling rockets with his giant claws into the sky. Warning the Western nations against crisis and distress, this bear invites them to his own lifestyle so that he could reverse the whole of humanity and return it to the Stone Age; then to label themselves as new and ourselves as old. The West, whose dominance over material, such as fine arts, and scientific findings stems from their Christian ecstasy and joyousness, cannot heal her own world, cannot resolve any issue and cannot even agree with one another unless she cuts this tumor away from her chest. Upon the attitude of the ones who crucify our souls with phrases like 'religion is opium!' the unification of Europe, the unification of four-hundred million people, may bring a solution which could wipe out all the disagreements and unify them all in an ineradicable way."
Rome, the Vatican, Saint Peter's Square... At that time, Pope Jean Paul VI himself stood before a group of more than two-hundred thousand, conducted the service and his message was then delivered in the following languages: Italian, French, English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Polish, Czech, Dutch, Slovak, Russian, Ukrainian, Greek, Chinese, Vietnamese and Arabic. Although the Pope seemed quite pessimistic in his words on the course of humanity, he concluded optimistically with talk about his dream, as if he was heralding an undeniable truth, that one day people would leave their miserly aquariums and join others in the sea of Christianity. The Pope says: "Now, listen to me friends...we are here to give you news of new hope. This news consists of not only still not being defeated regarding the challenge of faith and of it continues with all its strength but also it is much stronger now and has accomplished an advantageous superiority. The projector of idea, which is desperately needed by the modern world, will start to shine and this challenge will cover all humanity. Elimination of injustice between classes and of inequality will be realized through this faith. Otherwise humanity cannot find peace. All this disunity and suffering demonstrate that humanity will definitely unite one day and heal altogether. All this ambition, violence, selfish attempts to submit even science to the cruel and destructive minds, this lack of compassion and sincerity, which reached a level representing a dragon among societies, is the exact antithesis of the new civilization we are yearning for and it has to now be followed by the thesis. These views of ours have nothing to do with dream, imagination, utopia and myths; everything is based on a reality, on a solid realism. The name of this realism is Gospel." If the Pope had said Qur'an instead of Gospel, he would have grasped the true realism. There is a point in the world of Christianity which was not noticed by anybody in the world of Islam: the Church. To an extent that can cover almost all Catholics, the Church intends to have a social dominance and is obviously against laicism. In fact, a high ranking French clergyman wrote a great piece and invited the Church to regain all of its rights in France which is the cradle of laicism.
A picture in one of the first communist magazines in 1893 in England shows Samson, the well known symbol of power, about to pull down the two main pillars belonging to Western society. On the hat being worn by Samson, it reads "labor." One of those pillars represents Church and the other, state. As a result, they are the targets of communism. The Soviet adventures within the communist system which was formed within Western "rules of emotions and ideas" are known to anyone. After it passed away, the United States of America remained alone. The budget proposal offered by President Nixon to the US Congress at the end of January 1971 was considered as "revolutionary." This consideration should be underlined to show how it is viewed by Europeans and what the moral motives are: "The United States of America is getting into a new mood. For the first time in history, a Republican president, diverting from the financial and economic traditions, aims at a sudden quantum leap for the US both in terms of an interior attempt and becoming an exterior authority. This is a revolutionary act and it indicates new intentions in the domestic-foreign, social and political realm. The domestic issue, first of all, is to solve unemployment in the country. In other words, to increase the employment power of the US and achieve maximum utility. Despite domestic or external crises, it is obvious that the sole aim of the USA is AMERICAN HEGEMONY IN THE WORLD. The new budget is clear evidence of this aim and President Nixon carries a much heavier weight than did any other president. The older Americans, who believe that their principle is to be self-sufficient and to have security cautions in only their own continent, may be making a face now. However, younger Americans, who do not consent to be squeezed in the 'castle of America' between Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, may desire to dominate the world from this castle and to elevate it the most productive level and to make it potentially the strongest country to be able to meet the requirements of becoming a world empire and world system, according to their own economy. Older Europe, on the other hand, is after a caution against this economic imperialism."
Federal Germany� Before the fall of the Soviet Union in 1989, Federal Germany used to be called "West Germany." East Germany was a communist state, called "Democratic Germany," and a member of the Warsaw Treaty Organization, within a castle called the Iron Curtain and a satellite of the Soviet Union. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, East and West Germany united. After this unification, Germany became the most powerful European country. It was already a serious rival of the United States and was now greater in size, thus causing some worries which were publicly expressed. The history of Germany, who attempted to rule the entire world with a violent appetite of brute force during the Second World War, is known to all. We would like to underline the topic of Germany for its reversal contributions to democracy, but in later chapters. For now, let us view it, along with its yesterday and today, as a major pillar of the "world public order," from the window of history shortly: "The 100th anniversary of the German Union was celebrated on 18 January 1971. On 18 January 1871, in the glass gallery of Versailles, the German Union and Empire was proclaimed. After defeating the French at the end of 1870, they arrived in Paris and announced this Union in the palace of the King of France. In Werner's painting, one can see Prince Bismarck in his blue uniform, beside his Majesty who promoted himself from the king of Prussia to the head of the German Empire, standing at the throne of invaded France, beneath the resplendent chandelier and in front of the fireplace. So, Germany accomplished a major objective and realized the dream of a German Empire, which they stole from the Austrians, whom they reduced to submission in the campaign of 1866. It is known that in the forty years between 1870 and 1910, Germany became the leader in European industry and made the king of Britain think that one (he) should put an end to this. Eventually the First World War was started in 1914, and history witnessed the attempt of the Germans to achieve hegemony over all of Europe with great armies but they were eventually defeated due to terrible policy. However, the Versailles agreement was signed in 1918, and this time from the folded documents which resembled a rifle, shot out Hitler and unified this 'romantic' nation, attaching them to a dream of world domination, which would fall upon his shoulders. History thus repeated itself! With a giant army and material dominance, a magnificent technique, a shallow world view in terms of pure thought, along with a terrible and repellent policy, and the Second World War led Nazi Germany to its eventual fall. The stunning recovery of Germany in five to ten years after they were defeated and thoroughly destroyed, thus leaving their former ambitions and dreams aside, and instead concentrating their efforts on industry and having their own workers labor like the commanders of a squad in order to become a country which could open its gates to millions of workers from abroad and to work as industrial soldiers, has been the greatest battle Germany won thanks to good policy. That battle was one which took place in the field of politics." Here is what a great historian and thinker said on the centennial of German Union: "One-hundred years ago, Bismarck said; 'Let us put Germany, so to speak, in the saddle! She will show you how to manage a horse...' The rest is as known. In no country's history can one see such a collection of events; decline and recovery, fall and improvement, all within a single century! Let us consider Hitler. He arrived in Vienna acclaimed by the people in the streets, who saluted him with 'heil!' His photograph was taken in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris; his armies reached Greece and North Africa, but, the German thought that this Austrian could act as the dictator of the world came into conflict with history, which in its natural and humane course, swept away the dream of dominance of one nation over humanity. Thus Germany had to expose its marvelous body as a target of its own suicide. Treitschke said of Alsatians; 'We Germans know better what is good for Alsace than they consider for themselves!' This expression shows the German nationalist self-conceit towards other nationalities, which even sledgehammers cannot break. As de Gaulle stated, the violent nationalism against other nations can no longer be a choice or a desire. When German patriotism, which Heine described as 'a matter of heart,' had itself a clawless identity, this great country of order both will learn what happiness is and will represent the culture that makes it known by others too. 'On earth, nothing is mature; nothing is complete in itself' read the lyrics of a German song. Poets like Holderlin expressed the sufferings of a broken nation but never imagined that when Germans would unite, this pain would one day become an ambition to cause others to suffer. Despite all, it should be accepted that this nation experienced such greatness and smallness together, but after all they went through they managed to reach a level of maturity and took their strong place on the world scene. "
In order to reach a real diagnosis about Germany, one should handle the topics of Nazism and fascism, which should be accepted as one of the reasons why it is called "sweet" democracy. We shall explore the issue of democracy later but let us focus on Nazism and fascism for now. They are based on depression in the communities during the Twentieth century due to the ambiguity in ideals and internal crises arising in high classes, who consider their bases to be weak, and the feeling of and deprivation of rights in lower classes. Yet the real basis is the depression among the intellectuals and in fact, Heidegger studies only this topic and came up with his view of "philosophy of depression." Actually it was Hitler who splendidly simplified this deep rooted and complicated knot and put it into an action plan and made sure it was adopted by the nation's youth. While Hitler emphasized racism as the value to glorify, Mussolini emphasized Ancient Rome, and for Charles Morras it was being faithful to the ancient culture. However, the starting point is not an ideological one. Action takes precedent and the ideology has to follow. The state, in order to heal its own depression, looks for a hunt; looks to make an attack, in its own structure, and thus finds the "animosity against Jews." Hitler transmitted all these objectives, which he found out intuitively, into an action plan with an unprecedented simplification and then proceeded to hypothesizing, but could not reach to the level of contemplation. Indeed, when the German social order embodied as a seemingly perfect arrangement was pulled down along with its army, no idea of it whatsoever remained. Nevertheless ideas are not moved by force. On the contrary, ideas are what move force. And, such an apparently simple mood which is very easy to be transmitted from people to people under certain circumstances, is extremely difficult to eliminate from Germany or from anywhere else and seems to be an everlasting topic of horror. Today Germany, according to the analogy made by a Western journalist, is like a ferocious murderer who is finally released and has opened a shop for himself, and has started to spend all of his energy on this new effort. Thus it appears as if he has given up on his old habits. Democracy, liberalism, economic effort, industrial superiority; that is all! Compared to the picture before the dissolution of the Soviet Union, it is even unable to wield her broken arm on the East and is under close surveillance of her Eastern and Western wardens. So, the country (Germany), which can be described as above and whose population is four or five times more crowded than ours in her every square kilometer, and which still has the capacity to ask for more workers from other countries, is not a happy country psychologically. The romantic land of Beethoven, Goethe and Nietzsche does not seem satisfied with their successes and appears not to have given up on the dream of Nazism. The mood dominant, especially among the German youth, can be described like this: just as Germany experienced a terrible defeat only to create a Hitler afterwards, it yearns, if not the same as it did then, for a hero who will put things in order and place Germany in the position of "the representative of Europe." The soil that witnessed this history, of how Germany challenged humanity and was swallowed by the earth, should now smile at Germany's face and after making subtle calculations, Germany must have the position of the greatest Western weapon without arousing suspicion among other Western democracies. Therefore, the political climate demands that a neo-Nazism is the necessity. Like water running deep down ice, this is the internal and hidden inclination, and when this potential is realized, it will lead to another downfall. One may not be certain about the meaning of the "tamed" security given by Germans to Americans, yet Germany must be there against the threat of the Russians, whose military might is still felt; and without an ideal which is believed by all and a strict discipline arising from the ideal, Germany in non-existent. As it could be immediately understood, both Europe and the World public order are going through a process containing a great number of complicated and problematic contradictions within itself.
As for Japan� An American journalist made some diagnoses uncovering Japan in his article titled "New Course Japan Takes" which aroused a great deal of interest, writing on a country silently proceeding in a determined and conscious route and keeping away from political complications. Now, we would like to quote those diagnoses which are still fresh, so that we could explore the impressive role of this country in the "world public order" as a giant of economy in the global balance of powers, instead of the proposing herself as a dominant lifestyle, and the present and future political implications of this: "The Japanese octopus, which had many of its arms trimmed down in the Second World War, healed its wounds quickly and concentrated all the energy it has in the economic sphere to regain a domestic soundness and power. The industrial and economic potential which was reached by Japan, just like Germany, can hardly be seen in any other countries which either won the battle or were excluded from the battle. One cannot refrain from asking himself; 'Does a country like this have to be terribly defeated in order to obtain such a spiritual power and rear up so dramatically?' The Japanese attach great importance to pride and are aware of the fact that they should be patient when they can do nothing, and wait for the proper day to take revenge. Therefore, it is impossible for them to forget about the Hiroshima disaster which caused millions of people to perish. The rage hidden in them will one day turn into an even greater fury as soon as they have reached the required conditions, and at that time, they will call the West to account for having committed all of this. Until then, they will have been creating technical, industrial and economic marvels thanks to that rage. The representatives of the West on which the Japanese will call to account are the United States and Russia. However, the reciprocal relationship of these two countries is obvious. Thus, Japan will most probably regard the US as a postponed enemy and first direct its energy towards the other, waiting for it to become alone in opposition to China and hopeless to dominate Asia. The common and complicated point between China, Russia, the United States and Japan is that the possibility to be partners or aggressive against one another is likely at the same time. Japan is not ignoring its political and military objective while dealing with all of its economic success. It only appears to be doing so and prepares for the day it will appear as a whole." The other side of the coin shows what has become of social structure of Japan during the above mentioned industrialization: the spiritual and moral crisis prevailing in the world managed to penetrate into the hard and mystical Japanese texture and to bite with its venomous teeth. Despite the number of spiritual and social sanctions based on Japanese traditionalism, the crisis surrounded Japan like flies around food; the consequent being the silence of morality and psychological breakdown which is crystal clear even to a new visitor. The Japanese youth, which should be the farthest type to "hippies," became the best source of recalling these meandering herds in the world. Sexually morality has desperately declined. Instead of the innocent, sensitive, romantic and faithful Japanese woman representing the Japanese sacredness in Claude Farrere's work titled The Battle, there is now a distinctive type of woman. It is as if an egg was cracked and a baby was born as the complete opposite of the mother. In comparison to the former Japanese woman who looks absentmindedly and introverted and is modestly covered by elegant pieces of cloths, the new type is extroverted and has treacherous and tired eyes and appears stark naked. On every corner there have sprouted institutions for lust and sex. The picture of general morality is no different from that. If Japanese traditionalists and politicians' objective is to find its material in these youth, they are doomed to failure.
As for China� The country, particularly after the decline of the Soviet Union, had its share from the winds of liberalism and democracy in the early and late 1990s and is today most crowded country of the world. The country which transformed the controversial spiritual materialism and an earthly religion into the communist order could not continue to be as committed as it was before Mao's death. During the 1990s, this country which, in the international domain, keeps a rather low profile when compared to the economic and political weight it used to have, is not even culturally promising a life style that could be spread around the world. China, with its population representing one third of the world's, is merely a "storehouse of hungry people," and the threat it poses, if it does any, is only connected to this aspect of its population. What can be said of India, is not very different from that.
And here we are framed by the title "Ideal" belonging to the Architect of the Great East (Necip Fazil): We had a dream only yesterday. The ideal of ideals, it was the ideal of immortality. It was the ideal which was to conquer the world and beyond. This ideal, in the Ottoman Empire, continued for two and a half centuries with all its grandeur and majesty from the beginning of the Fourteenth century to the middle of the Sixteenth century. In this line and for the sake of this ideal, we connected three continents within the clamp of Tawhid (affirmation of the Oneness of Allah) and sealed it with Islam. Despite the restricted technical conditions in transportation and logistics etc. in those years, we mobilized huge armies that could be barely organized that orderly in the Nineteenth and Twentieth centuries. These armies, unlike the armies before and after them, left behind castles, inns, caravansaries, mosques and madrasahs like a lace with a gracefulness of an embroiderer, unlike the others who destroyed all the precious works of art on its way. These armies were not like herds, as the Turkish republic today occupying its own country, but grand corps of force representing the right of material and spiritual occupation or conquest of this country. The ideal that entitled us as the conqueror of the world was shadowed more and more in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries. It lost its flame and ardor. Subsequently, this was the beginning of the end, the flames started to die and the floor left to tongue twisters of holy canons. The army turned into a center of banditry defeated by an enemy from the outside but gained a victory against its own nation. The "Administrative Reforms-Tanzimat (1839)" movement, which just copied the frescos without feeling or understanding the spirit within along with the course of progress, was one of the most shallow acts ever witnessed by history. A shallow act; and because it was not able to accomplish the auditing and contemplation between the worlds, it became an instrument which caused the current already shriveled ideal to become lost; not to mention bringing about a new ideal. And when the need for an "ideal" started to be felt to some extent, what came up was the hurly burly of the Union and Progress (Ittihad wa Taraqqi). Whereas it was imperative that the core of nationalism should be based on spiritual content and religion, the ideal of Turkism of the members of the Union and Progress movement was a total reversal of the ideal of Islam, to which we owe all our existence, and even of all Western thinkers like Durkheim whose ideas they transformed. Thus, the pseudo-nationalism of Ziya Gokalp is guilty both scholarly, as they distorted the master's ideas, and religiously, as the hostility against Islam for which it apparently seems respectful, is doomed to failure since racism is not an ideology but merely a sort of psychology. Therefore it is too narrow to lay a boundless horizon for any ideal and cannot go beyond a fantasy or a child game. So far it has done nothing beyond inoculating intellectuals-of-a-quarter size (named as Alp or Tekin or Mete instead of Mehmeds, Alis and Osmans), with hostility against Islam. In other words, tribalism (nationality is an Islamic term meaning the quality of the unity of spirits and those residue-fans have no right to use this word which belongs to the core) cannot be an ideal on its own and the Turkism of the Union and Progress caused the ruin of the greatest ideal of all, instead of saving it. And then came the National Independency Movement and Republic. Surviving as a space (materially) thanks to the surge of Islamic spirit, a residue from the ideal of ideals and breaking with this ideal forever on the basis of time (spiritually). Moreover, at some stages, for instance, during and after the Second World War, history witnessed the massacre of a nation saved materially but ruined spiritually. And did the Republic bring anything new? The way of administration: This is not an ideal, but merely a dry frame just like a "manual for simple information," with everything depending on the meaning inside of it. The commitment to reach the contemporary civilization: In order for this to be the ideal, it should be targeted by a true and thorough world view. Otherwise, it is a commonplace fad if practiced in such a way as copy and paste. Revolutions: Adopted by not one single soul; unable to replace the ones they swept and threw away. Democracy: In the way it is enjoyed by us, replaced with all types of authorities, be it material or spiritual, it is a calamity of vacuousness which is worse than most bloody despotic regimes. As a consequence: After all this historic ordeal and adventure, "being deprived of an 'ideal' " descended on us at last, it proved to be the unique root of all the political, administrative, social, economic, moral, military, cultural and spiritual failure, and it painted the bleak picture we see today. Gentlemen! In this spiritual doomsday it is high time we noticed the truth as below: "None of our revolutions has the quality of a view of the world or an ideology, therefore, is an ideal. Thus, admit the vital requirement, vital as water is to fish. Then it is time to talk about what the national ideal can be!"
We have already pointed out the contradictory structure of Western democracy, in particular the model of the United States of America (regarded as the homeland of democracy), which is spiritual in their ideas yet materialist in their way of life. In fact, the reason for the characterization of the United States of America as such is that it represents a liberal system as opposed to a Marxist one; a materialist view of the world, and as a result, the recognition of the rights of the individual and the freedoms given to a person, with which to express his own thoughts and conscience. The reality behind this, however, is that the United States of America is regarded as the place of origin of the pragmatic philosophy, in which to find the stable (through experience) values in terms of "benefit" in practical life, instead of absorbing the essence of things and to have concern with the "purpose of life." Within this framework, religion, apart from its objectives, goals and rights or wrongs, as well is a beneficial practice because it helps people to achieve happiness and peace. If such a view on life is included in the categorization of mystical-spiritual, as opposed to a materialistic point of view of things, it actually is nothing but a cruel selfish hedonism, and therefore another type of materialist way of living. From the standpoint of a position where the individual will is valued and the individual will is seen as the determinant factor in society; this view brings us to democracy. On the other hand, another view regards the individual will as the consequence of social relations, determined by the "production relations" and connects this to reality found by "dialectic materialism"; this view brings us to the type of materialism mentioned above. Moreover, within this difference between the two views, democracy is described and classified as something which values the individual will as opposed to a materialist view. Taking into consideration all the points emphasized here, these are some characteristics mentioned on classic democracy: "Classic democracy-political democracy is principally based on the idea that what is dominant is individuals' feelings and ideas; not materials and also has the belief that the power should belong to the public. As a natural result of this, it is imperative that the individuals in the society should express their personal wills. Secondly, since individuals, within the contexts other than human relations, own an unchangeable, natural and ideal law, it regards the existence of unchangeable laws in the world as a principle. And again, as a natural consequence of this, it admits it as its liability that these unchangeable laws should at every time and in every place, that is, in every society, produce the same effects. And more importantly than these, it is based on the principle and belief that, in a society governed by freedom, a better level and true justice can be attained!" The critique of democracy will be made in Chapter Three. Here, the obvious reason for the "compulsion for democracy" and the main purpose is to demonstrate that international imperialism has made democracy a means in its hideous plan presented as the "New World Order." Let us make this statement a starting point and let us look at the characterization of democracy as mentioned above, together with the declaration of former United States President Wilson: "During the First World War, the article in the declaration issued by President Wilson, which states; 'Nations have the right to determine their own fate,' took the notion of democracy further than being an internal regime and announced it to the entire world as the basis of international relations. In fact, after the Versailles Peace Treaty, great powers made some amendments in their government types on the basis of democracy; the newly constructed states adopted this regime as the basis for their political structure, and thus, influences of democratic principles began to be seen in the relationships between states." Nevertheless, when it is a replacement of "monarchy", "oligarchy" and "aristocracy" with the forms of Republic or sometimes only a change into irrelevant (to its original definition) forms, how can one call it "democratic?" It sounds quite controversial, doesn't it? What about the regimes demonstrating the most advanced freedom while they are the structures within the definition of monarchy or oligarchy? What we would like to point out here is the reason why democracy, which especially following the Second World War began to spread and continues to spread even more until this time, should be prevalent all over the world according to some people. First of all, it should be known that the democracy for the West itself is the regime for preventing the evil, not for bringing the good. It is a link filtered through and ripened after the experiences such as the centuries-old tyranny of the church, living in subhuman conditions as slaves under feudalism, the despotism of kings, communism, Nazism and fascism. At this point, it should be noted that the situation of the United States of America as the extension of the West and thus the democracy of this country, due to its relevance in its roots, in a sense, and its loosely-structured societal form, is not at all appropriate to strike roots for fascism or any other totalitarian regime. The democratic regime which, for the West, is a sort of toothed wheel interacting between themselves through which they have reduced the negative effects (otherwise which might cause a general destruction of their own, due to the fights in which they are involved against each other) is for the Islamic world and the third world, only a poison which is covered with chocolate. In brief, the fight between brothers within a family can be prevented and solidarity is maintained again. However, in countries where democracy is imported, the members of the society are shifted from the sovereignty of the state and the citizenship of a state to the status of "world citizenship" and the "New World Order," of which characteristics have been described by the West. By means of the concept of state which is reduced so as to protect individual rights and freedoms and which is based on sovereignty of nation, they have a purpose of their own: to tame these so called "sovereign nations" and make them slaves of the "New World Order!" We pointed out the legal, political, economic, social and religious aspects and particulars of the democracy of the "New World Order." Here is the significant point we would now like to note: "While a democracy which arises from the Western society and the Western way of life is exported to others as an extension of colonialism integrated again into this society and way of living, it turns into something irrelevant in the far away places, which it has nothing to do with the West or anything 'Western.' This situation not only gives them a sort of right to intervene in the name of democracy but also opens the door to abundant possibilities for many things in an indirect way!" In the previous parts, we have noted the fact that there are overlapping and identical points of the principles of democracy and the "international law," the United Nations organization, the European Convention on Human Rights and the European Economic Community. Within this framework, we already know that these powerful states intervene in other countries' affairs and use their military forces whenever it is to their economic and/or political interest. And also we know that whenever they have no prospective profit, they just sit back and watch. It is a widely known fact that the West, led by the United States of America, along with the states which have become slaves to it, attacked Iraq; basing their savage invasion on the clauses of international law like "it is prohibited to gain territories by force" and saved Kuwait in the name of the (jerk!) Kuwaiti administration. It is another widely known fact that they just sat and watched the Serbians attack and kill Muslims in Bosnia-Herzegovina and that we, as the slave countries, powerless to do anything but watch and mourn the victims. The West has not only witnessed a cold-blooded massacre but has also imposed an embargo on weapons and prohibited Bosnians to purchase any weapons to protect themselves. Russians brazenly attack Chechnya; no one knows what sort of decision the West will make in the future, and the West just watches for the time being. There is not much point in going further back to multiply such examples or going forth to add the possible ones. What matters is to grasp the spirit and the core of these things. As for the fact that the countries which have imported democracy have indirectly had ample opportunities. On the one hand, obtaining the position of the "determining" one within the order of "profit" and "interest" in the economic field under the structure based on "individual rights and freedoms," on the other hand to manage the comprador media who financially forms a public opinion on the "internal" and "external" affairs, while forcibly making the matters international by means of the organizations representing and comprising public pressure groups under the name of Nongovernmental Organizations, and determining the political power through elements of influence entangled or related to each other. Manipulate the moral, legal, social, economic and political structure of a country in the way in which you like! For example, even though it reads on the walls of the Parliament "Sovereignty belongs to the Nation," in order to come to power or once they become the government after the national election, they all are ready to be in compliance with the orders of the United States of America and the other powerful states of the West! And what about, in the international economy, the role of the banks of the Western imperialism, which determines the government through a hesitant attitude on credits, and likewise, the financial aid and the military aid expected from the West? While the "New World Order" is arranged in and disguised with democracy, words like "without discriminating race, sex, religion or language" in the article related to "human rights" of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations is nothing but palaver. How can one talk about equality of nations when states cannot sit equally around the table? Especially with the structure of their Security Council, the United Nations Organization has demonstrated that they are in fact a dictatorship of pigs. Among the permanent members of the Security Council who have the right to veto, what is the reason for not having even one Muslim country? The countries whose majority population is Muslim, even though the country is not administered by an Islamic regime, is to them a shoe cupboard! Here is the consequence: The imposed democracy of the West is in fact a despotism, just like in the famous novel of George Orwell, "Animal Farm" or "the dictatorship of the pigs-in which we are all forced to accept their order and principle of 'we are all equal but some of us are more equal than other!'" To be more explanatory, it would sufficient to raise innumerous examples for "discriminatory actions" before our laws and regulations which are supposed to be applied equally for everyone! Imagine that, the son of the former General Staff Chief, Dogan Gures, and the son of the Defense Minister, Mehmet Golhan, are draft resisters. And thanks to their fathers, those boys who evaded from their military service with a false medical report declaring they had a "fishbone in their throat" were regarded as "equal before law" with other boys. The son of the former president Tansu Ciller did his military service just across the street from his mother's manor; that is, he is "more soldier" than others! The brother, nephew, brother-in-law and in short, the whole family of Suleyman Demirel, another former president of Turkey, were all involved in a number of fraudulent conversion and corruption for thirty years. Demirel himself was involved in as such, yet all are somehow very clean! The sons, daughter, wife and attendants of another former president of Turkey, Turgut Ozal, made a lot of profit in a number of illegal acts; a policeman who drove the car of his younger son in order to take the money obtained from a blackmail, fired upon a team of policemen attempting to stop him, killed the police chief and injured three policemen. Most probably they did not know whom they were informed against. However, the police who usually give a hard time to anybody, relevantly or irrelevantly, did not ask the owner of the car, junior Ozal, even a question, even though there was a corpse of a police in the event: Mehmet Agar, the former police commissioner of Istanbul, who is now gloriously fighting against unlawfulness as today's Chief Commissioner of the Police! You must now have understood it all: Although the "upper-class" would not obey the rules they themselves have laid down, they expect that the "lower-class" should be law-abiding members of the nation and that the order should be maintained within the law they made; for within such a dominance of law and order, what is current is in fact their own interest. It is just like the boss and watchmen in a mining location who can never tolerate any adverse attitude or behavior emanating from their slaves working the mine, which might result in a threat to their own "peace and security". In other words, the treacherous class who gets the same treatment abroad as it gives to its own society should have no reason to complain about "double standards," because they themselves are the representatives of this kind of understanding in our own country. Now that the framework for the reason why the Western imperialism is in the position of "compelling for democracy" has been given, we can explore the issues related to it: Considering the standpoint of all we said about the characteristics of democracy and the "New World Order," one might ask such a question: "Are we in demand of monarchy or any other totalitarian regime?" First of all, it should be known that monarchy or oligarchy is not the only alternative to democracy. We are going to see the details of it when we closely explore our Grandsublime State. In the previous paragraphs, we have mentioned that the social structure of the American society is not "homogeneous" and therefore has no depth to strike root for fascism or any similar totalitarian regime. However, it should not be misunderstood that what we mean is not an argument for fascism or any other totalitarian regime as such. What we want to do is in fact demonstrate that, while we do not agree with the ordinary rote-learned praises for democracy, we also disagree with the ordinary rote-learned curses on the regimes opposite democracy. We are going to see this when we closely examine our "Grandsublime State."
It is a usual consequence, and one which does not need further analysis, that war is predestined for humanity: "The pursuit for a life without war is like seeking an antidote for death. There is no point in taking precautions against war, just as against death. However, death is far beyond the will of human beings. Nevertheless, if wars seem to be at the command of that will and thought to be something that can be prevented, it is a futile attempt; its prevention is only a dream. Human beings are doomed to fight with each other forever; this is the law of creation!" No matter what the reason for fighting a war is, be it some needs or passions or ideals, although there may be avoidable types of war, these are only few in total and the real reason behind a war can never be eliminated. Although it may seem a bit paradoxical, the fact is that wars are fought in order to destroy the order of the other party and for themselves "build or maintain its own order." Now that order, both as a need and as an obligation, is imperative for human communities. Now that there will inevitably be an order this or that way, and now that only one of the order proposals can be practically applied, the existent order and the proposed ones or the contradictory status of the proposed orders are actually seeds of war waiting to turn green. And under these circumstances, the real nature of the call for peace seems to be the expressions of a lot of pretenses such as an observation that one's order is maintained at peace, of avoiding risks, "incapability", covering fear and indolence. The real and basic natures above can also be related to many other reasons; for instance, some groups pretend to be against the existent order, but in fact realize a number of interests such as material gain or fame. The same is valid for international relations as well. Indeed, the relations of states are not just for favor but for self interest. This is actually the reason why certain relations are good while others are not. Wars are not fought "for fun," and as the military thinker Clausewitz points out, "war is the continuation of politics with some other means." It needs an order to which the relations between states can be connected, just like the requirement of order in a society; and the reason for war is still there. And for whose order? And to whose benefit? And why is it not the one I propose, but instead the one they propose? After pointing out the issue of war while mentioning the "world public order," let us now talk about a war connected to the aim of the same order; let us talk about the attack against Iraq by the entire Western world, especially by the United States of America, and by the other slave states, on the basis of the decisions made by the United Nations. Before the attack, all those "hired pens and mouths" spoke the same words, television channels including the state-run television and the whole press covered the same news and followed a discourse on "Saddam the Cruel!" and all the public and parliament was influenced, and the winds were blowing in favor of the United States and its allies. After the famous interview with me, it was only Ibda members who were left to break the slaving official ideology's influence on the public and turn the course of the events to the reverse order; to resist the existing order in all those well known Friday demonstrations. I am now presenting the interview as a whole, embodying the Friday demonstrations, which made itself heard all over the country and which made Turgut Ozal, the president of Turkey at that time, change his mind about getting involved the war in the Gulf region and which made him crazy (the possible fear of chaos in the country if the country was involved). At this point, I am going to give a brief account of the American authority called the "New World Order" and the war under consideration: Even though Saddam was beaten, he loosened a wheel of the cart called the "New World Order" and made it a "runaway" cart; one which nobody knows where it is going to bump. It has also been seen that the legend produced about the American Army turned out to be fake and it was proved that the American army can be defied and fought against. In other words, the balloon was deflated.
The Weekly Cuma: When you, as the "Commander" of the Ibda movement, were asked to make an interview by our reporters about the Gulf Crisis, you said that there is no point in speaking just for the sake of speaking. We would like to relate all you talked about in that preliminary talk of ours with you.
Salih Mirzabeyoglu: By all means! First of all, I believe that the issues should be handled at a level they actually deserve. The reason why I mention this measurement is here: One side of the issue seem extremely simple and good for easy talk, however, the other side of the issue is extremely complicated and requires much thought on the lessons it has given. Instead of speaking the same things over and over again and pretending to say something and playing games like flying children's kites, I am interested in catching the inward matter, spiritual motifs, and make then the inflaming, fuelling, motivating, directing part of the Islamic movement. This is the point where I stand when I talk to you, I will speak within this framework.
The Weekly Cuma: If you do not mind, I would like to learn about your general opinions on the attitude of the parties involved in the Gulf Crisis.
Salih Mirzabeyoglu: Obviously, according to me, neither the different parties of this crisis nor the ones who were somehow involved into the issues know really what is going on. Everything is moving in its course just like groping behind a thick curtain of fog. There is a kind of ambiguity and uncertainty both in terms of analyzing things and in terms of power mathematics. One has to stop and think about the profound lessons emerged due to divine reasons!
The Weekly Cuma: All right, then, what do you think about the situation of Turkey under these circumstances?
Salih Mirzabeyoglu: Now, please listen to me, because I am going to read some newspaper clips in which you can find Turgut Ozal's statements. This is what he said on August 11: "I don't think there will be a serious action in the Gulf Region. I really don't believe..." Seventeen days later, on August 28, he says: "This war can hardly be prevented!" That's what he said to the BBC. One day before this he stated: "The survival of Saddam Hussein's regime is at stake each day!" However, on August 13, he said the contrary: "I don't think Saddam can ever be overthrown. He is very powerful. And he is acting as the father of all Arabs!" Then on September 22, he told to a journalist: "This issue can eighty or ninety per cent be settled through embargo, yet patience is needed!" The Weekly Cuma: Whatever he says is contradictory to each other, is that what you would like to point out? Salih Mirzabeyoglu: Yes. And, in addition to all of this, there is the ambiguity of Turgut Ozal's position and scope of authority and imagine the situation. He is acting as if he is the president (as in the US within the presidential system) of the state. Let me put it in other words: There is no presidential system in Turkey, and in doing so, Turgut Ozal is in fact violating a Constitutional rule as the head of the state, which is indeed a symbolic position.
The Weekly Cuma: Could you please elaborate more on this? And what is relevance of this to the Gulf Crisis?
Salih Mirzabeyoglu: Due to the availability of exact and continuous applications, I have to use the United States of America as an example for the Presidential System. In the US, "the executive power" belongs to the president elected by the public; in other words, "the executive" is represented by one person: the President; to whom the Vice President and the Members of the Cabinet deeply faithful. In terms of the rank relations between the cabinet members and the President, the cabinet members in this system are described as "secretaries" by the law practitioners. The executive agent is the president; this is the reason why the regime is called "Presidential Government." The secretaries have to obey the policy made by the President and the president has the right to terminate their positions whenever he wants. And let me add this too: The authority of the President to command the armed forces is not symbolic as it is in the regimes of parliamentary head of state as ours. He has the authority to send troops to any place in order to maintain the security of the United States of America and the administration of the foreign affairs too is among his tasks. Well now, in our system, it might be possible to change the tasks and role of the head of the state and to make him superior to the government representing the parliament, especially when there is such a puppet prime minister; however, this would bring about many problems, because it is just a statue without a base. The Gulf Crisis will reveal the system crisis in Turkey. To tell the truth, within a period of authority chaos and civic disorder, there will then be a proper basis for all those revolutionary movements!
The Weekly Cuma: Then, I guess, it will come down to the discussion about the question how real the identity Turgut Ozal assumed in his visit to the United States of America is.
Salih Mirzabeyoglu: We have to go beyond the personal level and accept the fact that, neither at home nor abroad, Turkey has the cultural and moral image it would like to take up and achieve. If you think about this comment together with what I said about Turgut Ozal, you will see that the consequences are amazing. First of all, today, one can easily see that the power of the governing party in the parliament and the public support given to them is not proportionate and the election of the head of the state has been carried out in a questionable fashion. The prime minister is acting like an orderly officer of the head of the state, which is neither lawful, nor ideal. One should remember that he was a man who did his best to abuse former prime minister Suleyman Demirel's power by buttering him up and who asked his permission while he was assigned to take a position after the coup on September 12, 1980 and remember how he became unfaithful and perverse as a party leader. If you remember all this, then you can infer about Yildirim Akbulut (puppet prime minister during the Gulf Crisis!) whose relationships were mostly based on his own profit and political interests. Whether Yildirim Akbulut has a kind of courage to resist Turgut Ozal or not, but within this kind of relationships, the ground is always changeable and insecure. The insecurity results from the illegal image drawn by Turgut Ozal and all about the Prime Minister, Ministers, Members of Parliament belonging to their own Party and even Party Organizations. And there are the opposition parties who do not recognize him and who regards him as the president of ANAP (Motherland Party) not the head of the state. As a consequence, the political attitude which is claimed to be Turkey's official policy especially abroad in fact does not reflect the realities in Turkey legally, socially, or morally!
The Weekly Cuma: What might be possible effects of this situation on the Gulf Crisis or the effects of the Gulf Crisis on us?
Salih Mirzabeyoglu: First of all, such a structure cannot motivate our people to make their moves according to official policies; in other words, it won't be able to stimulate, excite, provoke or lead them. Then, both in terms of the US and Europe and of their auxiliaries here in Turkey might be very much surprised at all these unexpected developments by distinctive personalities!
The Weekly Cuma: You do not approve of Turkey's engagement with the United States of America and Europe during the Gulf Crisis. Then, what do you think about Saddam Hussein?
Salih Mirzabeyoglu: Yes, I do disapprove of collaborationist and toady policies!
The Weekly Cuma: Do you think, the occupation of Kuwait by Iraq is evaluated within a sound frame of mind in Turkey?
Salih Mirzabeyoglu: It's a good question! The talk between the former prime minister Bulent Ecevit and Saddam Hussein opened the eyes of many people and therefore now there are power centers feeling rather disturbed. Now, let me give you an example to clarify. While a reporter from a periodical was interviewing me three or four years ago, I refuted his weak arguments and then he held onto the "the law against nuisance" like a life buoy, and he asked me if I was one of those proponents of the prohibitions. As a matter of fact, I find the law rather ridiculous because this is a country where the gypsy culture is now administrating the country and gypsy culture is among the missions of the Ministry of Culture and the performers of belly dance are titled "artist" and acclaimed, and where one is given a ministry after flattering the right person and where the civil servants uniformed or not publicly get rich through all kinds of illegal ways and where fat women use their husbands' high positions like a piece of furniture at home. And despite all this social and administrative weakness and despite this bunch of people who dishonestly gain billions of lira in an apparently honest way, there are mothers who sell their flesh in order to feed their children and where good men and soldiers are encouraged or ordered to watch pornographic movies to loosen their Faith and Islamic motifs in their lives and call it "supporting secularism and education." My being against that law and my addressee's is not the same. Anyhow, I replied to him: "Suppose, I am a proponent of the prohibitions. But when you are against my being so, don't you see that you are also one of those proponents of prohibitions?" Well, here is what I mean: When discussing some of the issues, hasty and false conclusions are reached and imposed on people. People are conditioned to think within certain prejudices or thought. For example, one says, "The occupation of Kuwait by Saddam cannot be approved of!" When you hear the responses to this complaint, one who is against this opinion might as well say: "The occupation of Kuwait by Saddam cannot be approved of but..." Why should it not be approved of?
The Weekly Cuma: Do you approve it?
Salih Mirzabeyoglu: We should first be reminded of some truths. Saddam Hussein used chemical weapons against Kurds in Iraq; the well-known Halabja massacre. On the other hand, the systematic torture and oppression on the Kirkuk Turks have continued for years. There was nobody to object to this, was there? Who sold the weapons to Saddam who used them in the genocide there?
The Weekly Cuma: The issue was considered to be an internal affair of Iraq or that was how it was regarded then.
Salih Mirzabeyoglu: This is a very significant point to be emphasized. The territories of a country are not created by justice or injustice but by de facto situations. After a while, Kuwait may be included into the Iraq's internal affairs. Today, the main concern of the West; I deliberately say "the West", instead of the world, is not the sense of justice but the fear of a break in their imperialist order. And the other countries are just their subjects; they are the slaves; the bit players. The United States of America invaded Panama to nobody's objection; who could do anything against it? As for the question whether I approve Saddam's Kuwait invasion or not, my reply will be a resounding "yes!"
The Weekly Cuma: Then, what could be the aftermath of this issue or the pros and cons for Turkey?
Salih Mirzabeyoglu: If you do not mind, I would like the remind you of what I said at the beginning. I said, what is of importance to me is to understand the depths of the issue and use it as the motivating fuel of the Islamic movement. This is the attitude of a man of action and of idea; in other words, one that catches the essential meaning which causes and directs all other events, grasps the fundamental concept and quality from which all other details stem, finds out the soul of the corpse which is subject to that soul. When one is a journalist, he reports the news with comments or in bits and pieces of comments in accordance with his personality and puts some photographs relevant to the story. A scientist evaluates the things within certain criteria. The reason why I say all this is well, I am not a journalist and there is no point in repeating the same news in my own words here. Now that I specified my place as a locus of abstraction and intuition, I'll tell you the beneficial aspect of all this for Turkey: Turkey will not be able to live within the policy, or rather, the policy-less-ness of "Peace at home, peace in the world." These conditions warn that the existence of anyone who indicates no dominant will to survive or makes no significant effort to grasp the core of things and who is not equipped with a supreme goal and ideal which those efforts are to be based on will be wiped off the map. Everything is against such apathy of a corpse now. Can there a greater pro or benefit than this?
The Weekly Cuma: Can you please clarify it?
Salih Mirzabeyoglu: By nature, spiritual enthusiasm in a society from the individual to the family, as its expression, has certain outer appearances and images to keep. What can be accomplished with what facilities and how can you find those chances to reach wherever you want to? Even the simple act of eating food is an expression of a policy motivating our faculties as a desire stemming from our own body to survive. Only in a soul-less corpse is there no desire to attack and carry on. When we look at the history of the foreign policy of Turkey, we see that it resembles a debtor trying to run away from his creditors always. Now, look at the situation: Greece snatched the twelve islands in the Aegean Sea and has now abused the concept of territorial waters and it is about to lay claim to that zone from end to end. Moreover, it is ready to consider the Turkish ferryboats sailing from Izmir to Istanbul to be moving inside the Greek territorial waters. Greece again attempted to annex Cyprus and retains the memory of a Greek Istanbul and has dreams about it in the future conditions; Syria is in attempts to annex Hatay; Iraq, in need of water, and therefore longs to control Southeastern Anatolia along with targeting the Russia-Iskenderun line as a means to be used in a Middle East strategy, etc. And Turkey, like a poor and idle man who pretends to be pretty well off and victimized by the consolation of "peace at home, peace in the world," by those who have no idea what image to give at home or abroad, was brought to a totally different point now. A powerful Iraq is not at all convenient for Turkey; however, if Turkey supports the United States of America, all the other countries involved in the issue will regard it as a Western pawn in the Middle East. That is, a lose/lose situation. To put it briefly, all the internal and external conditions actually force Turkey to accomplish its mission, to a great Islamic emergence and to the leadership of the world of Islam. This is the only raison d'etre for Turkey. To me, the benefit of all this is covered by this warning!
The Weekly Cuma: You said that you approved of Saddam Hussein's move.
Salih Mirzabeyoglu: I have already said that the territories of a country are created by de facto events. Now, let us go back to the matter of justice or injustice. Without repeating the already known news, I am going to tell you briefly: Iraq had to do it. It was like an attempt of a man to eat a lion in order not to die of hunger. On the other hand, there is this puppet state who could not, in any sense, demonstrate any distinctive quality in depth or width other than being an Arab tribe. To erase this country from the global map is beneficial, in terms of the requirement of the grand existence of the Middle East, both as a step to a well-organized image of the Middle East and as a means to destroy the imperialist powers and to stir the world for this purpose. The Western policies which drew territories on sand and caused the peoples of the Middle East to fight against one another along these territories are now in a dilemma. If Saddam Hussein had handled it more tactfully, for instance, as necessary Islamic policies not out of a material gain or desire, he would be a real hero. What was Kuwait but a treacherous country who poured all its oil income, ignoring the poor Islamic world, to the West?
The Weekly Cuma: They say that the world had just entered a period of relaxation and peace when Saddam made a hash of something. What do you think about that?
Salih Mirzabeyoglu: Now, here is the time to mention our dear deceased Grand master and demonstrate what it is to give a strong grasp of things! In order to give the best response to this story of "relaxation," I would like to read one of his articles written at the end of 1970s. Here, let me read it to you: "Since we are in the alarming worry about the missing order at home of our own, we seem to ignore the outside indicators which threaten us with a terrible destruction. The greatest events of the recent weeks is the inclination for the agreement of disarmament between the US and Russia. In fact, this is not a real disarmament but a tactic as the non-use of weapons against each other. It should be very well understood that, Turkey has been able to stand up thanks to the opposite winds blowing from the East and the West since the Second World War. These winds clash with each other right above us and somewhat support our country weakened by its own troubles. In other words, this is what has helped us maintain the temporary and artificial balance so far. The harmony between the United States of America and Russia should make us nervous before anybody else; we should be alarmed and decide where and how we should seek our right to exist in the future. Such a harmony which might sound to be favoring peace and relaxation in the world will most probably result in profit-distribution between Russian and the US in the Near and Middle East Region and particularly in oil-supplying regions. This mutual smile and shaking-hands between the lion and the tiger of course should frighten the herd of deer in the forest but do they really understand, intuit or see this danger and is there anyone taking action?" Here is a comment as fresh as it has been just written. They feel their empire is at a decline and they now put all their efforts to regain their strength through a new structure, and we take this period as "peace in the world!" Now, imagine a man. He is beating another man, battering and punching him, and becoming exhausted after a while. As soon as the other man raises his hand, some peacemakers start objecting to it: "Look, he is not hitting you at the moment, why should you beat him; it is pointless, isn't it?" Throughout history, each era has its own limits and conditions, along with the balances which are advantageous for some and disadvantageous for the others. And that era is not the end of everything but a link in the chain of Human History. Otherwise, any action resisting against exploitation, oppression and slavery would indicate a breakdown in peace and balance. After all, the self-evident truth clearly shows itself: what on earth are the Western world and the United States doing in the Middle East?
The Weekly Cuma: What do you think about the embargo imposed on Iraq?
Salih Mirzabeyoglu: First of all, I would like to emphasize one point clearly: It is a shame that Turkey overtly plays a role of guard of the West and the United State of America in the Middle East and support them. As for the embargo issue, one should first think about the answer of the following question: "While waiting for Iraq to be dissolved by the embargo, do you also take into account that embargo itself can dissolve the agents of the embargo as well?" In my opinion, this is where it comes down to: Apart from all this small political tradesmanship, the world is on the verge of chaos, in which all the small and spiritually unsupported dreams are destroyed and all the significant accounts are settled; and now it has become impregnated with many huge and unexpected changes!
The Weekly Cuma: Anything you would like to add or any message?
Salih Mirzabeyoglu: I would like all the members of our congregation to emphasize to themselves these points: they should be professionally organizing and leading the amateur activities on behalf of a true idea and they should be feeding and supporting the professional activities within an amateur fashion and excitement and will to support. They should be active actors of the stance they take rather than talkative spectators of the events. Our stance has nothing to do with the trivial; it has to do with Islam per se! (The Weekly Cuma - October 1990)
IBDA Salih Mirzabeyoglu,
Islamic Book,
The State of Grandsublime
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